Wednesday, December 31, 2008

yay for another excruciating year being done.

Resolutions? Sure, why not.

1. Keep this thing alive. what thing you may ask? well, we'll see, if it works out.

2. Get my grades up. And keep them up.

3. Let people in. I tend to push people away. I think it's time that I pull them closer.

4. Remember to blog:D

Last night, was totally an eleven on the happy scale. It's been a very long time since I've been that happy. Oh, and I'm sorry if I push you away a little bit now. It's the way I do things.

So I'm grounded. " you need to clean up your act." Will do.

Technically I shouldn't have gone out last night if I'm grounded, right? wrong. when you have a mother like mine, all you have to do is a few chores, and she'll let you out of the house for a bit. Mostly because she's sick of me being around.

I realized how important a certain friendship is to me. What made me realize it? when the friendship was over of course! isn't that the way it usually works?

"Don't it always seem to go.
That you don't know what you got till it's gone"- counting crows.
how fortunate it is that I can always find a song to describe how I feel.

Why did I start a blog again? so everyone can see how pathetic my life is? mmm, sounds just about right.

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