Saturday, August 29, 2009

Put your feet in the sand.

I stood on the shore line, watching all the waves blend in together. Hearing the swish swoosh of the waves breaking. The drip drop of the rain falling all around me. Seeing only the outline of my friends a few yards away. The darkness closing in all around me. I stood on the shore line, and I remembered. I remembered all the things you did to help me, immediately followed by all the things you did to hurt me. You've always been okay with hurting me, as long as I learned something from it. But I've decided that I'm through with this. I am one of those people who has a lot to deal with on a daily basis. I do not need you adding to that. Sure, you were always the person I could turn to when I was hurt, but who am I supposed to turn to when you cause the pain? You tell me I should like who I am, but then you're standing there, telling me all the things I need to fix. You shouldn't care what people think, you aren't the same anymore, and etc.
The last thing I need is someone telling me who I need to be. I like who I am now. And I think I'll like myself even better, when there's no one standing there telling me who I should be.
You can call, or whatever, I guarantee nothing. I'm gonna learn to be dependent on myself only. Because when you depend on someone else, no matter how many times they promise they won't, they always leave.

"They always end up leaving, always."
"I will never leave you, I promise."
As much as I wanted to believe you, I couldn't. And now I can see why.

So this is where I say goodbye. This is the part where I walk away from the shore line, and never look back.

Friday, August 28, 2009

never lose sight.

I've come to the conclusion, that way too many people assume.
Find some facts first, then make your assumptions. There really is no point in going off on a limb.

My whole body is peeling, and its really gross. So is the fact that I have a massive amount of new freckles.

I love band camp. Well, to an extent anyways. I like playing and marching. But I hate sunburns and I hate being overworked.

Summer is almost over. But in a way, I am so completely happy about this. Maybe no more drama, no more dependency, and maybe I can make this my year.
I have a list of goals. But I'm not putting them on here. Some of them are kind of stupid.
And besides, I already have them hanging up in my room.
They're mostly basic, like doing well in school, making good friends, not losing sight, and things like that.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bego keeps yelling at me for not blogging :D
So here.
This is a blog.
And now its over.