Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sometimes it takes us being broken before we see the real glory of our Creator.
Whether it be health, friendships, family or whatever else, we wait until we're at our lowest before we go to our God. Before we ask for His help, we try EVERYTHING but God. Why is that?

Look at the world we live in. We're taught all of these different vices; go to drugs, go to people, alcohol, sex, anything . Our world teaches that you have to try everything.

For me, I get very dependent on people. Usually only one person. When they leave I'm lost and broken. I become confused as to why they left, and instantly start wondering why I wasn't good enough for them. I wasn't pretty enough, smart enough, or funny enough to make them stay.
I give parts of myself up for the person, and they constantly abuse it. They leave, eventually they come back, just to leave again not long after.

I guess I'm just waiting for the person who stops saying all the right words, and shows love through their actions instead. I'm tired of the people who are so good at pretending they fool even themselves for a little while.

I need someone who will make up their mind from the get go.

But you know, I'm also tired of waiting around for it. I am smart enough, I am pretty, and I'm hilarious, and I don't need some person to confirm that. I have God. And He loves me more than any person ever will.

He is all I need, and I'm tired of putting my faith and trust into people other than Him. He will never let me down. He is everything I've been searching for my entire life. He is so much more.
He is my Rock, Redeemer, Savior, my one true Love.
I'm done trying everything, I have the only thing I need.

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