Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's been so long since I've scrawled my thoughts across a page... I sit here wondering how I used to do it with such ease. What did it take for me to be able to thread words together? To make a beautiful quilt of thoughts? Was it my sadness? And now that I am no longer sad, is my ability to express myself gone, too?

I’ll sway to the quiet rhythm of your
Beat and know
What your feet have been shuffling to
Since the day we met.

Someday I’ll understand the difference
Between the breath of yours that catches,
And the one that releases,
Like a broken lock.

Someday, the dust
That has been kicked up
Will settle, and I will see you clearly
For what you are.

But not today,
Not today.

Starting tomorrow, January 1st, 2012, I will be writing a short passage every day in my journal. I'm sure some of these little blurbs will end up here as well. So, keep your eyes out.
These blurbs are gonna be more than just the usual leakage of words that come out of my head every now and again. Instead of me writing things that often have nothing to do with me or my life, I'm for once going to actually write about what goes through my mind on a day to day basis. Ooo, Dramatic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...after reading some of your blogs, I feel as though my writing in a way can maybe relate to you in the same odd way yours does for me. This is something I sort of felt moved to share with you...not sure why. But I figured hey, why not take the risk? (this is a really old piece of writing that I'm a little embarrassed to share because of the poor please ignore the hideousity hah)

Coldly bound with imperceptible chains,
Around a heart paralyzed from thoughts unkind,
Pumping now black blood, through mind of the veins,
Not wanting to 'member the things once confined.

Deep in the core, the pump pumps words on page,
Writing of bliss and goodbye-ing the pain.
Several clotted vessels blocked by the rage;
Such great deal of mar and hurt, all for what gain?

Foolish it is to leave a heart so unguarded,
And open as if it had such value few.
Please force these thoughts to never be regarded,
For one more attack it cannot bear through.

Sure, some might say I was blinded from the start,
But I'll never know, because of this amnesia in my heart.