Monday, February 1, 2010

I must be going now.

Every time is a little more depressing than the last.

"drama doesn't follow me, it rides on my back. I may be ugly, but they sure love to stare."
Oh how true that is. Thank you Cute is what we aim for, for those amazing lyrics.

"I'm not coming back. I've done something so terrible. I'm terrified to speak, but you'd expect that from me. I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair. And out of my mind. Keeping an eye on the world. So many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now, at home in the clouds, and towering over your head."
And thank you All Time Low for helping me realize something I should have ages ago.

I'm not stressing over much anymore.
Midterms are over, and I did exactly how I thought I did.
I always seem to reach my expectations... Maybe because they aren't exactly high.

You are my absolute favorite person in the entire world.
You don't even understand.
And I certainly don't have the words to help you to.

My English teacher keeps telling me I should major in philosphy. That I'm a really deep thinker and an amazing writer. Maybe if I was going to college. But even then, I'm not that good at writing. I would be eaten alive by the amazing writers who would also potentially be in my class.
I don't think I could handle that. Being surrounded by tons of people who I know are better than I am.
It's that kind of rejection that keeps me up at night.

Some things never change. But isn't that an old story?
Maybe I was hoping everything there had changed. That it had magically gone back to the way I remember it. High expectations for everything except myself.
But it is helpful to know that my thoughts on the way Mcc is now, have been discussed, through my Dad. The fact that they are taking my input and actually using it, makes me have a little more hope.

I didn't know it was possible to miss someone you just saw, more than before you hung out with them. I guess I just didn't want it to end. Didn't want you to leave.
Clingy? little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey for everyone, there is always going to be someone who is smarter or who is better than you, but if God gave you a gift use it xoxo