Saturday, January 30, 2010


Why is it that I don't get nervous at all when it comes to regular public speaking?
But the moment it comes to speaking on behalf of God, or praying out loud, I freeze up, I shake, and I forget what I was saying. Chris thinks its the enemy. And I sure hope so, otherwise there is something wrong with me.

My mom's boyfriend is here, and I'm trying to be as nice as possible.
But it's really hard, when he's one of the biggest tools I have ever met.
He wants me to talk to his son.

I've been having one stressed week after another.
More temptation, less resistance.
I hope this doesn't last long. I need to get in better in control of my actions.
I need to let God in control.

I talked to Xander yesterday, and I finally know what happened.
And it quite possibly be the stupidest reason I've ever heard.
But I am content, because it's no longer a mystery.

I'm gonna go get ready for Reckless.


Joe Hanky said...

Ahh, that can be annoying having your moms boyfriends over. But just remember you're a Christian and therefore you speak on behalf of Christ himself and act as a "little Christ" because Jesus lives in you and when you do, people will see Him in you and will be drawn whether they say it or not.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree I wouldn't get involved with a non Christian