Monday, March 29, 2010

Desperation... not a good thing.

I'm like wandering around...
Not in life, but more in my faith.
Definite wake up call though?
Having a dream about doing a message at Reckless.
And then waking up to find a text from Miranda saying I should do a message.
Now it's definitely on my heart, even more than it was before.
Jill and I talked about it, and the message I wanna do kinda revolves around Easter...
So if I end up doing it, I have less than a week...
If this is what God wants, it'll all work out :)

Last night was a definite sign of who my mom is now.
Scoffing at my sister as she sits on the ground and prays. Giving her dirty looks.
Saying that I don't take enough responsibility for Mel.
I wasn't aware that it was my job.
But, I'm trying so hard to protect her, and lead her in the right direction.
Be a parent to her? Since she's kind of lacking that in her life.
God, please help us, everythings getting so much tougher, I know you're there.
Working in the background, that this all has its purpose.
I know not to worry, you have it under control, but please, please, help us. Or at least Melly.

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