Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Uncomfortable by association.

So, today, just like every other day, my cat begs to go outside. I let him outside, and not even two minutes later, he's begging to come in. I let him in, and then he begs to go back out. And the cycle continues.

But today was different. Because today, I thought about how it's exactly like humans.
We want change, but when it happens, all we think about is how great things used to be. We beg for change, it happens, and we wish we could go back to our past.
Why do we do that? Why can't we just be happy in the present. Stop depending on the memories of the past, and the hopes of the future. Just live in the now. For the now.

Also, that was one of the most awkward situations I have ever been in.
Actually two in one day. Fantastic.

First one takes place with Stuart. Well of course.
It's been so long that I've hung out with him, I forgot how funny he is, loving and caring. We started talking about how his girlfriend is jealous of me. That she's jealous of how much Stu's Dad loves me. How Stuart and I used to hang out so much.
And I asked about this summer, and what exactly happened.
I said something that was probably mean. And he told me he loved me.
And that 'I always rag on him'.
Well, I'm sorry. What am I supposed to do when you tell me you love me, and you're dating someone? Someones who already dislikes me?
Someone who has to deal with so much because of you already?
Stuart, I'm the only one who ever tries to keep you in line.
Are you sure that's not why you love me?
Because I genuinely care about you, about your future, everything?
I swear Stuart, you mess up your whole life, because no ones there to stop you.

Awkward moment number two?
Dinner with my "family".
Brad doesn't talk the whole time. No one talks till I start.
Some frikken family this is.
Where was this "family" for the past three years?

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