Saturday, September 25, 2010

When the other was upset, would we still just give them a half smile and a hug?

So, I wrote a blog asking people to give me their definitions of love.
I got a few people with feedback, and their ideas were all similar in some ways, but also very opposite.

I guess, in order to truly define it, you need to know which way the word is being used.
Like, if you're in love with someone, or your love for your sibling.
I was talking about the context of being in love.

Abby Desharnais(whom I love very much) said, "I feel like love is a deep care for another person. Love isn't an emotion you can really express in words. It's just something you can feel. It's the most intense emotion, and people throw it around like it's nothing. "

And Corey dearest says "Gosh. How do you describe a feeling? Love is accompanied by a bunch of emotions that I don't know if they've even been named. But love itself is a thing. And an action. Separate from and not constantly accompanied by those. But I guess, in the words of my great grandfather Russel-'you just know corey. You just know.' And I'd say his marriage was a pretty dang good example. So... I guess he's right. Also, look to God. He gave us marriage that we might have a small glimpse of His love for us and His self love. That we may be one as the trinity is one, in a never ending circle of giving and receiving perfect love and oneness. I can't really describe it."

One of the definitions in the dictionary is : sexual passion or desire.
Honestly, just because you have desire, doesn't mean your in love. This bothers me.

The greatest love story I've ever heard, is John three sixteen.
The gospels in their entirety.
I cannot think of a superior way to explain what love is.

It's simply indescribable.
There is a moment, where you just feel it. You can't explain it. You can only feel it. In the very center of your heart, it's this odd glowy feeling. It'll make you happy, and scared, eager, but cautious. You'll go crazy waiting to tell the person, you'll spend what seems like eternity wondering what their response will be, and the butterflies in your stomach will grow thousands of times worse, when they say they feel the same. The curiosity of the future will inhibit your mind. And the frightening thought of losing them will become more frequent.
You'll wonder why they love you, when you can't name every reason why you love them.
You won't even be able to describe what your love for them feels like.
it's simply indescribable.

I don't know what the point of this was.

It's simple reminders like the one tonight that help me remember we're gonna be okay.
I just need them every now and then...

"He says, son can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it goes. But it's sad and it's sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man's clothes."
Let's go back to last year, in October.
Where we played horse(I won), and we told each other stories.
I talked about my dad, and how it made me the way I am.
You talked about your mom, and how it made you the way you are.
I didn't cry, and it was probably the only time I haven't when talking about that.
You gave me that half smile, stood up, and gave me a hug.
We were so simple then.
We knew each other barely. But I loved you even still.
I didn't need to know every little thing about you, or your reasoning behind everything.
I just loved you, what you said, your hugs, how you made me feel, and most importantly, your love for God.
We were so simple then.
But now, it's almost been a year. And half way through that, we had our first kiss, we "learned how to hold hands", we told each other everything, we talked about God's plan for our lives, both separately and together, we noticed each others habits, and our downfalls.
It's almost like we know each other too well.
I could probably point out a detail about you, no matter how random.
The slight space between your two front teeth.
The way you try to hide when you're upset, but if left alone, you'll come to me about it.
How you get sleepy if I play with your hair.
Random, tiny things that you only notice when you're around someone a lot.
When you really get to know them.
I still love you, even with your little flaws, and your sometimes major ones.
But I sometimes wonder what would have happened if we hadn't progressed as much as we have.
When the other was upset, would we still just give them a half smile and a hug?
Instead of a frown, and a hand squeeze. A "you'll make it through this".

I've never needed to hear those words, because I've always known them to be true.
All I want is that adorable half smile, and a comforting hug.
Honey, we've almost made it a year, let's not lose sight now.

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