Saturday, November 27, 2010

The last thing on her mind was growing up

I can't live with myself. So stay with me tonight.

I thought, maybe things would change.
In not one situation, but many.
I guess it's true when they say, people don't change.
It's true, they don't change... They just get better at hiding their flaws.
Not for long though.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.
I'm about ready to give up the one thing I want more than anything(Besides my Jesus), because of you.

For that, I don't know if I could forgive you.

I hate that I'm an otter lion personality.
I hate that I'm so unorganized, conceited, loud.
But mostly, I hate that I have the desire to be a leader.
I mean, I suck.
In so many ways it'd take forever to list them all.
(that's usually a joke I say to Kenny when he asks what's wrong with me, but right now, it's not really a joke).
I have to be the stupid strong one all the time, and all these people look up to me, and I hate it.
If you really knew me.

He and I react to things in very much the same way.
We feel hurt, and worthless, but we will still make sure everyone around us is happy first.
Though, we will show you that you hurt us.
Only, if we want you to know.
If you really knew me.

It was nice, you know, having someone love you. Someone who showed it, someone who really cared.
Someone, who wasn't so caught up in themselves, they stopped to help others.
I don't think I know anyone as caring, and giving as he.
He'd give you the world to make you smile, just once, even it's for just a second.
I wish, I was good enough.

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