Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And your faith really shows when...

"You can really tell God is in the middle of this."

I really, really hate when people say things like that.
Why is it that people only say things like that when God is working through the bad stuff?
No one really says anything like that when everything is going amazingly.
Why doesn't anyone say it when they see a child smile, or when its sunny outside, or even when it's raining outside. When they find true love, when there's an amazing sunset, or when they've found something they've lost.
Everyday occurrences are so overlooked.
I try to thank God with everything as the day goes on. But I still overlook the small things.
I'm not saying I'm any different, but the statement in quotes up above, makes me a little upset.
God is working in the middle of everything.
Just because you see it more, doesn't mean He wasn't there before.
And when you see it less, it doesn't mean He deserves any less praise.

"You can really tell that God is working in the middle of everything."

I very much dislike it when people won't admit their faults as well.
I have two people I know who butt heads all the time, because they both become angry extremely easily.
But neither of them will admit it.
One of them even has the nerve to say that he hasn't gotten angry.
I'm sorry, but normally when you're yelling and storming off, people are going to think you're a little mad.
But you know, maybe I'm just reading those signs wrong.

Something else that makes me pretty annoyed, is when people do whatever it takes to make you feel guilty. SOMETHING YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER.
All day long its: "I'm trying really hard to make things better." "If you would just look at it through my perspective." " I thought you guys appreciated the changes, guess I'll have to try harder."
You expect way too much from us.
And I don't appreciate it, so maybe if you could just stop for one second, and think about it through someone else's perspective, rather than always making everyone look through yours.

I feel sick... again. And Melly has a stomach bug, so this should be fun.

Also, please don't misinterpret the above paragraphs as me being angry at anyone.
I'm just kinda frustrated that everyone is so set on making themselves look good, that they don't do anything to actually make themselves good.

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