Saturday, January 16, 2010

does this look like heaven to you?

Everyone needs to back off.
As though I'm not stressed enough.
I am taking a break from SLT, and devoting my weekend to studying for midterms.
I'm going to Reckless, yeah, but I guarantee you, I won't be as hyper and as all over the place as usual. I'm just not in the mood.
I'm not going to church tomorrow.
I am sleeping in, and then I am studying for world history and english all day.

I hate midterms.
I know I'll pass all of them, there's no doubt about that, but will I pass with a high enough grade is the question.

Last night was a relief.
And I feel horrible about it.
Four solid months, wrecked.
It's pretty fantastic.

This week has been the worst one I've had in probably three years.
I'm under too much pressure, and then every decides they're going to attack me, too.
I'm sorry I resorted to old habits, but I needed to.
Now I'm worried I'll fall back into them.

Do not confront me about how some of the things I do bother you.
I will not change myself for you.
I am working on all my flaws already. I am fully aware of what they are.
I'm pretty sure I don't need to be informed of them.
So thank you, but all of you need to grow up.

Also, this whole everyone exploding at me thing, is getting pretty old as well.
Go find someone else to be your punching bag.
I do not get angry, and everyone has apparently decided to take full advantage of that lately.
And then they tell me I'm pissed off. I do not get pissed off.
I will get annoyed, but I will not do anything about it.

Why am I struggling so much lately?
This is ridiculous.
I've lost complete track of where I was.
And as of right now, I don't think I have any desire to return.
Just another reason I need a break from SLT.

I'm gonna go get ready for Reckless now.


Anonymous said...

Hey it's Juat Katie following your blog. I think we discussed that I could if not ill take myself off. Anyway, your secrets are safe with me either way love. Don't get too overwhelmed I am here for you and love you very much. Call me anytime. (kisses and hugs)

Anonymous said...

Hey babes. Come to me. Anytime. Honestly, I understand. I'll be here whenever you need me. I promise.

Meg said...

thank you...
who are you?

Sirhc Aipat said...

Oh Marguerite,

I can see you are going through a lot and that you probably won't like to hear anything from anyone, but this is from the Lord not I:

"Blessed are you who weep
for you shall laugh.
Blessed are you when men hate you,
and when they exclude you, revile you, and cast out you name as evil.'
I will deliver you my daughter, you will be rewarded for your persecution for I promise that."

Marguerite you must feel as though the world is attacking you, as if everyone around you is closing in and you just can't take it anymore. That's because this is the world. Satan rules the world. You must seperate yourself from the world and it's worldly evilness. It's not healthy for your roots in God. Sure you can make peace with non-believers, but if they start attacking you or whatnot then you need to take the first step onto the high road and walk away and pray for them.
I believe you should read this, it may help you. It helps me.
Please read it. Not for me, but for you and God.
Psalm 69.

Meg said...

thank you kind stranger. you always seem to help me feel better.
even though I still have no idea who you are.

Sirhc Aipat said...

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but it is the glory of kings to search out a matter.

Proverbs 25:2

Meg said...

okay chris.