Friday, January 22, 2010

Isaiah 40:29

Simply looking for a picture from when you were six.
Looking through the file cabinet, to find an envelope with the title "Melody."
The file is filled with old drawings and report cards, projects, pictures, reports, medical records.
The file is completely jam packed.
You find all the envelopes of your four other siblings. Also practically bursting.
Then, you find, you find your envelope.
So you open it, noticing how much smaller it is than all the rest.
And all you find in it, is your social security number, birth certificate, one old band report card, and a medical record. That's it. No memories. No pictures of you growing up, or old drawings. Nothing.
And it makes you wonder, why were you the child that didn't matter?
That never did, and never will.
The girl you make feel so small, and insignificant.
She thinks constantly about what she did to deserve it.
She knows there must have been something.
Some major screw up. There's gotta be something.
So she spends years trying to figure it out. But she can't.
So she runs. She pretends nothings wrong. That absolutely everything is great all the time.
She meets a boy who teaches her not to run anymore. But then one day, he runs away from her.
And she just doesn't understand. Why is she the one everyone walks all over?
The girl is constantly told of how strong and powerful she is. But does everyone just tell her that, to make her feel strong, so they can rip it out from under her?
She works hard to go on everyday. To face all of her problems. She just doesn't know how.

God is her main concern in life. Her world revolves around Him. But no one ever taught her how God can take away all of her pain. That He can help her heal. So she wanders around aimlessly.
She believes in God, and she tries to make Him her all, but with the expectations she's always had for herself, she slips, and falls, and just doesn't want to get up anymore.
She doesn't understand why when other people fall, they're left alone, but when she does, everyone forces her up again. What could her purpose possibly be that she was made the way she is? With all of her trials, and her baggage, what does God have for her life?
No one can answer that, but she knows, she knows that this isn't it.

So she gets up, every time she falls. She raises her head higher than before, and she keeps walking. She's questioned, and put down. Told that her God isn't real. But if He isn't real, she has no reason to get up anymore.

He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.
Isaiah 40:29

And with a sigh of contempt she puts the envelope back in the file cabinet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no clue why there are no pics hardly of all you kids. I asked Josh to see pics of him and he could not remember any or point out much. It's an injustice to you all. I love your mom hun don't misunderstand it's just that for some reason I really believe she doesn't take that many pics or so from what I have seen so I wou;d try not to take it personal.