Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sometimes, I guess my thoughts just don't make sense.

Cuz, well you know, it was never easy to say goodbye.

And we all try to act like we don't hold onto the past.

We don't want anyone to know how much it still hurts, so we sit and we pretend.

And it's so easy to play that game.

I wanna see someone: different.

Someone who doesn't let life push them around.

And will always give you a run for your money.

Well, its been said that's me.

But honey, if that's what you think, I dun think you know me at all.

I'll always give you a piece of my mind, and no I don't like to be pushed around.

But we all have those moments when its easier to just say yes.

No one wants to hear the word no.

Not when they're convinced it's their biggest desire of the minute.

So, go ahead and sit, and pretend.

But don't hope they're impressed.

Oh, so I guess you've heard I'm not perfect.

I hope it didn't break your heart too much.

On your marks, get set, GO.

Because no minute is ever like any other.

I get so sick of hearing of how everything's the same. How nothing's gonna change. You know sweetie, you could never look in my eyes and say that. Months ago I could've said the same thing. Looking back now, I'm sure glad you weren't right.

And my Jesus is the one thing I couldn't survive without.

You say I could.

Doesn't mean I would.

I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand; I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

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