Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Matt & Kim - Daylight

This song makes me so incredibly happy. Among others that I've randomly been finding.

I really need to stop blog stalking people, it's becoming an issue. And wayyy too much to keep up with.

I woke up at five in the morning today. It was just so hot, my body wanted me to do something about it. So I went upstairs and passed out in Mel's bed. Good thing she wasn't home :D

I woke up to find a voicemail from kenny that he left at one thirty in the morning. Literally ten minutes after I passed out. Our timing isn't so good sometimes. But guysss! He's back! And I'm ao excited. Maybe my summer will actually begin now.

You know what other song I love?

Number one Gun by The Victory. My choice in music as changed drastically lately. I'm finding I'm really into a lot of music that Mr. Kyle O'Dowd tried to get me to listen to a year ago. Oops.

So now my zune goes from african tribal music to Of Montreal to Metallica to Rap to who knows what else. I'd say that's pretty impressive.

I'm starving. But I've been too lazy to actually get up and get food lately. And then when I get up I pig out from lack of eating all day. This probably isn't the healthiest thing to be doing.

"All I want is to reach out For all of you, all of you.

It's the simple things that make me and take me, all the way."

I like songs that make me think of summer. Of certain feelings and memories. Those are the songs, to me at least, that are of real talent. Not the stupid catchy ones that everyone always has stuck in their heads, that stay on the top charts for MONTHS. So everytime you turn on the radio, its the same music every hour. And you can dance to them and sing along(all the while making yourself look like an idiot in the car next to you). But twenty years from now, they aren't the songs I'll remember.

I have to go to work today, which is okay by me, they have air conditioning! But I seriously need to eat and shower and stop acting like a hermit. I've barely been out of my house all summer. Nothing at all like last year. But I had a serious wake up call yesterday. One that I was okay with. If I'm going to be rejected because of who I've become, I'm okay with that. I don't mind. I like who I am, and I like who I'm around. I just wish there were more people that were home.

But like I said, Kenny's home! So that gives me one person I can spend some time with.

My sister-in-law Jess called me yesterday. Heyyy, I haven't talked to you since Christmas. I'm not sure whether to be happy she cared enough to call now, or to be upset she didn't care enough to call sooner. She and Justin had no idea what had been going on here for two years. And now, Justin wants to talk to me and ask me questions. Which usually turns into him scolding me for something... But I'm trusting God with this. His timing is perfect.

Time to live today.

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