Tuesday, November 24, 2009

he said good morning with a bright smile on his face.

"you're better than the best. I'm lucky to just linger in your light."- smile by uncle kracker.

I am not ruining this for myself. Nonononono.
I messed up last night.
I'm not gonna tell you about it though...
You don't wanna know.
I don't want you to know.
haha, now you're gonna ask about this...

and I'm not gonna do it tonight.
just so you know :)

But last night was extremely stupid.
And I knew it while I was doing it. I kept thinking about how I should stop. But I didn't.
I'm just stupid, that's all.

I remember waking up and seeing a man out my window working on the telephone line.
He smiled at me and said good morning. I smiled and said thank you, and told him to have a good one, too. Then I remembered it was the morning of the yardsale.
I bounced out of bed, and got dressed, and hurriedly ran out the door.
The tent was already set up. The exercise machines were on the front lawn, and there were already people parked up and down our street.
Both my parents were wearing silly fanny packs to keep the money in.
There were people from church everywhere, saying hello, and that they were happy to see me. It was a really sunny day, so I took off my favorite red sox jacket, and put it on our stone wall in the backyard.(Later on I found out someone bought it, and was extremely upset :D)
I remember going through my piggy bank trying to find all my "shiny money" so I could buy little trinkets and stuffed animals. I'd go up to someone working and ask them how much something was. They always said, hmmm welll, I'd say its about ten cents. And I'd always exclaim about how good of a deal that was. I'd give them ten cents, and continue on my merry way.
I was only about eight years old, and I don't know why I remember this day so clearly.
I remember my parents being really happy at the end of the day for raising so much money for the church. And when it was all over my mom made soup and biscuits and we all watched a movie together. It was such a good day.
I try not to think about these things. The good ol' days when my family was together and happy. Well, for the most part.
Things were never perfect or anywhere close, but they were better than they are now.

I only forget, because its less painful than remembering.

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