Friday, July 31, 2009


It's raining really hard right now. I just wanna go out and dance with Stuart. He's still in Colorado though. I'll get someone to dance with me today(:

I really don't have much going on anymore. In the way of bad stuff, anyways.
My Dad's still bothering me.
And I kinda feel like Tim is avoiding me.
I probably shouldn't feel that way. Chances are, he isn't.

Going to Soulfest tomorrow, maybe?
Katie invited me to go tonight, but I can't.
She sounded so sad when I said I couldn't go tonight.
And now, I feel terrible.

I hate the distance between Texas and New Hampshire.

This blog is entirely pointless.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Interesting, unique, and different

I think I've figured it out.
You're familiar. That's why I feel this way.
I know what you'll say, what you'll do next.
You never shock me too much. I understand your reasons, and motives.
No wonder I get that feeling.
You're the only person who has fulfilled my dream.
My dream of understanding people.

Bego Terzimustafic.
We are so similar it's scary. I love blasting music and singing at the top of my lungs with you.
I am so so so happy you aren't leaving. Now that I've found you, I don't wanna lose you.
It's weird picturing my world without the gang now.
They've become my life. I've pushed everything else out.

I went to a concert with Olivia and Kirsty(:
The Veronica's, Nevershoutnever, The academy is..., Boys like Girls.
It was fun.
But, what happens in Kentucky, stays in Kentucky(:


"Where's your favorite place to be? Like where are you when you're the happiest?"
"no. I want you to lie :P"
"When I'm alone. I like to stand in the early morning in where the sun hits my wood floor and reflects, waking me up if I leave my door open, and silently leading me out of wasted time. I stand there, warmed by the ray that so carelessly interrupts everything I'd had planned, and I think. I think about how stupid this world is, how little everything matters, and how much I just want to get out and praise God.
That, is honesty "
wow. I am completely amazed by you now Alex Strom.
I hope to meet you someday, and become better friends with you.
I needed this, thank you.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

cause this is see you later, I'm not into goodbyes.

Chris left today.
I didn't get to say goodbye.
So I wrote him a letter.
My stomach hurts, and my eyes keep watering.
I keep thinking about him, and how I won't see him for so long.
I don't know what to do.
The only person, who knows everything about me, is gone.
My absolute best friend. My brother.
I can barely see what I'm typing.

Box city, the quarries, petland, mcdonalds, new jersey, sitting in church together, building 19, I wish I could list every memory I have with him. But there are so many. I've known him for ten years. I love him to death. Who's gonna walk me to school now? Who's gonna go job hunting with me? Who's gonna just walk into my house and wake me up, because I've been sleeping too much?
Who will just sit in my livingroom talking about everything with me?
I can't do this. My support is gone.

I saw some random army guy at walmart yesterday. He smiled at me. I started crying and ran out of the store.
I probably ruined his day.

I'm being selfish. Chris did what he thought was right for his life. I just hope he writes to me often, and if he gets phone calls, he better call me.
I'll survive. Sure I might cry myself to sleep every night. But that'll go away after a while too, right?

"I promise not to mind if you go your way and I go mine."- promise by eve 6
I support your decision, no matter how much it hurts. I love you, that's all that matters right?

"I promise not to try not to let you down"
I'm gonna try harder now. Do better in school, behave better, try to be okay. I just want you to know, how much I love you.

"I promise not to try not to, not to, not to leave"
I will be here, every time you visit, and when you officially come back. There is no way I'm not seeing you.

"In a day and a day love
I'm gonna be gone for good again"- here's to the night by eve 6

"Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's gonna come too soon"

"All my time is frozen in motion
Can't I stay an hour or two or more
Don't let me let you go"

Monday, July 20, 2009


I love Andrew.
the end.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Forever isn't long enough.

"you're a pretty impressive person meg"
Was I just trying to boost my ego? Pushing him along, so he'd feed me lies again?
Or maybe, they were never lies.
"Theres so much to like about you"
I always thought you said things like that, to make me feel good about myself. But now I wonder, did you really feel this way all along?

I'm pretty good at knowing what I can't have, and leaving it at that. So instead, I became best friends with you. Watched from a distance, never longing, nor wanting. Just being there for you, with you. I never knew you liked me. You were so caught up in other things. Other people.

"its okay(: you know when we first started walking home together? And we'd just sit on your front steps? haha, when I'd go home, I'd feel really depressed. And I never knew why. But I think I may have figured it out."
"why hun?"
"Because I never wanted to leave. At that time, I really liked you. You made me happy, and thats why I always spent so much time at your house. Because you could make me smile, and I never wanted to go back to my family."
"..honey i never knew that"
"haha. I figured you should know"
"well next year is another
so why dont you just spend more days at my house"

I don't know why I needed to tell you that. Sometimes, I just feel the need to tell people how much I care. How big of an impact they made, or something along those lines. And it always seems to be at a time when that person needs it.
But with him, it's different.
The feeling I get when I leave his house, or he says something really nice to me. I don't know what it is. He's the only person who gives me that feeling. It's almost hate and love mixed in one.
Am I in love with him? No, I don't think so. Do I love him? Very much.

There's nothing I fear more than him losing himself. I'm afraid he's almost gotten to that point. But would he have apologized to me, if he was already there? I doubt it. I want him to find himself again.

There were always signs. His whole family loved me. The feeling I would get. The things he would say. How our clothes always matched:P When we'd say the same thing in unison. Or we'd both be thinking the same thing.

We were meant to be best friends.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sponataneous combustion.

It's needless to say that not everything felt right today.
It felt, new, unexplored, dangerous.
But yet, I jumped into it anyways.

Should I learn to think before I act?
Just as I've been working on thinking before I speak?

Spontaneous. A word I tend to live by. I should work on it a bit.
I need to learn to contain myself. Not be so outspoken. Quick to jump.
So Tim, you were wrong when you told me to take a plunge. Instead I need to step back, and analyze a bit more.

I hate being in the midst of something like this.
It's practically a triangle/ square
Me and Andrew.
Andrew and Jazz.
Matt and Jazz?
Me and Matt.
Could someone make up their mind?
Whatever love shape this is, I want out.
Well, no, maybe not out, just not part of a whole.
Could I be fine without drama?
Or is it something I need to get by?
Something that entertains me when I become bored?
Doubtful, but I don't think I'll ever know for sure.

So I realized today, that I do start drama.
But never intentionally. It just tends to appear.
Appear at the worst times, like when shopping for underwear, and you see friends from school.
I lose. Once again.
And I might as well say it. I lost the game, too.

And that my friends, is my send off.

you keep my feet on the ground

For once, everything felt right.
You and me, together.
I've always loved the way that sounds. How it feels.
And I don't believe you when you say it was a bad idea.
I feel unaffected. Still untouched.
Nothing's getting to me.
Although I was kind of in a bad mood when I got home last night.
That subsided eventually.

Do people not understand, that feelings like these, don't just evaporate?
Disappear into the night, not to be seen again?
Don't call him stupid, or a waste of time, because you don't know.

I have questions for you now.
Some I'll consider asking, ones I won't, and the ones that have always been there.
"... When you trust me with everything, including your heart."
You expect too much of me. My heart? My dear boy, how do you intend to maintain that, when we aren't dating?
It's not something I hand out to people.
In fact, I've never given it to anyone. My closest friends, nor my family.
Giving your heart, means you can be hurt.
And being hurt, is something I avoid at all costs.

Oh, last night. Apples to Apples, 711, sitting in my livingroom in the dark.
I will never get how the group works:D
But I love it.

I don't know what to say to you.
I'll see you later today. Maybe I'll talk to you, maybe I never will.
In the end, does it change anything?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The thoughts fly out the window.

I'm in Bego's bedroom(:
He told me to write it:D

We're just waiting for Chris to come back. And then the quarries.
More drama has risen since last time.
There's not much I can do about it though, boys will be boys.
I'll just sit back and watch.
I am sorry Andrew...

Timothy. Why is it I decide to go to Livingston on your day off?
I'm only kind of stupid.
Oh well, we're hanging out tomorrow.
Movie maybe?
Eh, we'll see.
But you know, you do owe me those...(:

All is good in the world of Meg.
Besides being bitched at by my sister about my dad.
He just doesn't get it...

If everyone in the world used their sense of right and wrong. But also felt guilty when they did things wrong, the world might be simpler.
"There are many shades of right and wrong, missy"
Yeah whatever Bego.
I was making a point, you jerk.
Get outta my house.

Friday, July 10, 2009

and with that, the world ended.

There's something calming about Steph telling me their family is serious about adopting me.
Maybe then I could be happy, live life the way I've dreamed.
To think the perfect family for me, has lived across the street this whole time.

Stuart James Castillo.
I love you to death, I hope you know that. I miss you so much, I can't even begin to express.
I still talked about you in a loving way to people.
"you're friends with stuart?"
"not really anymore..."
You were the only one I could trust for so long. I needed you. And you were always there.
Then one day you were gone.
I'm glad you apologized, but I'm serious when I say, I would have taken you back no matter what.
"I thought about you today, I miss you"
I love you, I love you, I love you.

There's so much drama in my life right now. But yet, I'm not dragged down by any of it.
None of it is making me sad or depressed. Lots of confusion, sure, but that comes with anything.
I've completely transformed in the past two weeks. I like who I am now. I feel accepted and loved. And even with all this drama, I feel untouched.

I'm sorry for not hanging with all my other friends.
But if you think about it, my best friend is leaving in eight days. I want to spend as much time with him as possible. You'll all still be here. You don't get how hard it is to watch Chris leave.
No one does. And if they do, I'm sorry.

I wish I understood how the human mind worked.
For each person I knew. I could call their next moves, how affected they would be by something, how much pain they feel.
I'd just like to understand motives. The reasoning behind everything.
I like Bego, I understand him. There's something about him that keeps him interesting, captivating.
He's gonna be reading this:P
And no, I have no feelings of that sort for him. I just enjoy his company. I'm glad he isn't leaving me.

“Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We listen to Bach transfixed because this is listening to a human mind."
Amazement due to how someones mind works. The beauty someone can create. The ability to listen, analyze, understand it all.

Monday, July 6, 2009

awesome squad.

Last night was good(:
yay fireworks.
They actually sucked, but the group of people I was with don't.

"If you were a pirate would you put your parrot in this shoulder, or this one?"
you're such a cutie.

"Andrew wants to know if you'd like to go to the beach with us."
haha, nice Bego.
Because you definitely don't want me there:D

ha, Irhad.
*reaches out hand*
*opens arms to give hug.*
"yeah, she knows whats going on."
These boys have quite literally made my summer.
I thought this would be the worst summer ever, but it's been amazing so far.
Chris is leaving in two weeks though, I'm gonna miss him so much.
I'd like to think I'll still be able to hang out with everyone even after hes gone.

"You cause drama."
So apparently Matt talks about me to Kat, and Kat likes Tim.
Tim and I are best friends, and exes.
This is not me causing drama, this is drama being thrown at me.
Whatever, I couldn't care less.
I'm trying to have a carefree summer, I'm not gonna let anyone ruin it for me.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

You had me at hello.

I never know with you.
I hate to assume, because I always end up being terribly wrong.
I'll talk to you tonight. I'd like to know the thoughts that have been going through your head lately. haha, the question is, how many of them you'll actually say.

So, this wasn't supposed to happen, was it?
I love how the things we have no intentions for, are the ones most likely to happen.
I'm just gonna say it outright, you don't deserve this.
I wish it didn't effect you so much.

I don't want to hang out with you anymore. I actually wish you'd stop calling. It's really annoying.
I mean, it's not like we ever got along anyways? So, uh, bye.

HA, you would ask me for girl advice. I love the fact that you thought I liked you though:P
Everyone knows I don't give girl advice. I don't know anything about girls. haha. Quite honestly, you'd be better off asking a guy:D

I wish I had gone to the park with Olivia yesterday.
You have no idea how sad I am.
The one day I leave my phone at Bego's>.<
*hits head against keyboard*

Swimming later? Probably at Roy park.
Livingston's for losers:P
And I heard they have a pretty crummy staff this year.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Cause I can't come back home till they're singing

I haven't been writing much.
Nothing's going wrong(:
Other than avoiding my Dad.
And my mother leaving without warning again.
OH. And I found out she has a boyfriend.
Nice Mom, the one guy Mel and I said we don't like.
"Meg, you're leaving in three years. And Mel's leaving in six. You aren't gonna be here forever."
Yes, mother, but we're here NOW. And I do believe you said you wouldn't date anyone we didn't like. I don't know why I believed you.
You've never been true to your word before.

Hmmm, I wonder if I'm still hanging out with the boys today.
Doesn't matter really.
I can stay out for however long I feel like.
My mothers not here(:

Olivia Gunther, we absolutely have to sing saturday in the park tomorrow.
That would make my summer(:

Ahhh, Strobe lights.
I know what you were gonna do. I'm not stupid(:

I have to visit Tim soon.
YAY, for him working at Livingston.
"I don't wanna confuse you with my feelings."
You know that by saying that, you completely confused me.
I wish you'd just tell me, so I don't suffer as much.

"And even though you mean so much to me
I can't wait through everything" if it means a lot to you by a day to remember.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've been hanging out with Bego, Matt, Andrew, Chris, and Nick a lot.
They're cool people.
Too bad I found them right before they go to college.

Mmm, Bego and I are really similar.
And when I say similar, I mean, the way we are, when we aren't around people.
He's kind of with Kristy? I feel like he may end up getting hurt. He doesn't deserve that. Not in the least.

Matt. Hahaha, he's a cutie. But he's GINORMOUS. not even kidding, this kid is six foot five.

Andrew. He's adorableee! hahaha, he's definitely the funniest out of the group.

Chris. Best friend. Duh.

Nick. Well, he just annoys me. Him and Lexi always making out. Or he's bitching at me.

AGHH. I don't want them to leave mee.
The only ones going to college here, are Bego and Andrew. And I'll definitely hang out with at least Bego(:
And I'll keep in touch with everyone.
Mostly Matt though.
I don't know how I'd keep in touch with Chris...
And I don't care that much about Nick...(:

good job on giving a good hug today.
And I'll have to return your sweatshirt sometime soon.
Friday if we hang out at that thing you invited me to?

Nice party Reynolds(: