Friday, July 10, 2009

and with that, the world ended.

There's something calming about Steph telling me their family is serious about adopting me.
Maybe then I could be happy, live life the way I've dreamed.
To think the perfect family for me, has lived across the street this whole time.

Stuart James Castillo.
I love you to death, I hope you know that. I miss you so much, I can't even begin to express.
I still talked about you in a loving way to people.
"you're friends with stuart?"
"not really anymore..."
You were the only one I could trust for so long. I needed you. And you were always there.
Then one day you were gone.
I'm glad you apologized, but I'm serious when I say, I would have taken you back no matter what.
"I thought about you today, I miss you"
I love you, I love you, I love you.

There's so much drama in my life right now. But yet, I'm not dragged down by any of it.
None of it is making me sad or depressed. Lots of confusion, sure, but that comes with anything.
I've completely transformed in the past two weeks. I like who I am now. I feel accepted and loved. And even with all this drama, I feel untouched.

I'm sorry for not hanging with all my other friends.
But if you think about it, my best friend is leaving in eight days. I want to spend as much time with him as possible. You'll all still be here. You don't get how hard it is to watch Chris leave.
No one does. And if they do, I'm sorry.

I wish I understood how the human mind worked.
For each person I knew. I could call their next moves, how affected they would be by something, how much pain they feel.
I'd just like to understand motives. The reasoning behind everything.
I like Bego, I understand him. There's something about him that keeps him interesting, captivating.
He's gonna be reading this:P
And no, I have no feelings of that sort for him. I just enjoy his company. I'm glad he isn't leaving me.

“Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We listen to Bach transfixed because this is listening to a human mind."
Amazement due to how someones mind works. The beauty someone can create. The ability to listen, analyze, understand it all.

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