Sunday, December 27, 2009


Sometimes I don't realize how I affect other people.
How strongly, how often.
I like to pretend I live in my own little bubble, where nothing I do, hurts anyone else, and nothing can hurt me.

It's like when a child is young and thinks that if they can't see you, you can't see them.
So they proceed to put their hands over their eyes when getting yelled at, or even in a game of hide and seek.

If I cover my eyes, maybe no one will see me.

But that's not the way it works.
I don't have a bubble around me, and people will still see me. They'll just think I'm being silly.
The things we do, do affect other people.
Positively, and negatively.

I learned yesterday not to follow my heart, but instead to lead it.
People say they were just following their hearts when they do something wrong.
But if your heart is leading you to sin, or do something that will greatly hurt other people, then you shouldn't follow it.
Following your heart off a cliff is the same as sinning.
If your heart was telling you to jump off a 12 story building, you wouldn't do it.
So why do we follow our hearts to cheat, or lie, or deceive people?
Don't follow your heart. You're in control of it, so instead of following it, lead it.

This is something I'll need to work on.

Sometimes I like to pretend that the mistakes, and the failures early in my life won't affect my life later on. That all the failed classes and laziness will just disappear by the time I'm an adult.
But that's not the way it works either.
Our mistakes follow us, but that doesn't mean we have to let them control everything we do.
And most of the habits I've gotten myself into don't disappear in a click of my heels.
They take time and effort to end.
Time and effort I'm finally willing to give.

So I've decided that I'm going to get the love dare book. Not for a boy. But for my mom.
She's been so sweet lately. I'm not gonna say it's because Brad's around. But that could very well be why.
All I know is, Melody and I are terrible to her. If there's anything awkward in the love dare book, I'll skip it. But I'm pretty sure that most everything in there will help earn her trust in me back.

Okay. I've been rambling.
Time for church!


Sirhc Aipat said...

You are very right and the humbleness of admitting you convictions make you stronger and wiser and as Jesus who humiliated Himself.

Love is something that mainly causes this world corruption. People do become lead around by their heart or AKA their fleshly desires.
It is very wise of you Marguerite to say to lead your heart than to be lead by it. It is something that my favorite apostle would say, Paul. Ah, might I add that you must grasp that and hide it your heart and to when you lead your heart, you lead with The Spirit.

On that note, you effect people more with The Holy Spirit living in you, people become more affected by you, trust me I experience such things as well. The things you do matter for you are called to be a light in the world. A leader. Lead the people around by acting in scripture.

May grace be with you,

Meg said...

Thank you once again!

I have a question though?
you used my full first name in your comment, do I know you personally?
Most people who know me, don't even know that my name is Marguerite and not Meg.

Sirhc Aipat said...

Marguerite, questions sometimes are meant to be left unanswered for it is how our Lord Jesus works sometimes. We are beings with great curiosity, thus too much curiosity could be a hazard.

Anonymous said...

Marguerite is beautiful! Is your mom using the book I am proud of you!