Friday, January 16, 2009

I love three day weekends.

my weekend is gonna be full of sleeping and eating.
possibly hanging with people if I feel like it.
I feel the need to hang out with people I've just met(:
are there any good shows this weekend?
if there are, does anyone wanna go, hahaha.

church on sunday, possibly free after that?

whooo midterm week is coming up. I'm gonna bomb(:
I am a Deutschbag(:
if only saying inappropriate things in German would help me pass the midterm...
Basically I go to school at the regular time all week, except for Thursday, I get out early everyday, and I have Wednesday off. Maybe midterms won't be as bad as I thought.

dude, I am so sick of everyone pointing out what my flaws are, because um, actually, I already know what they are. And I am trying to fix them. But if you don't care if I change or not, whats the point? and honey, I've been trying my best to get him to consider you, but you telling me that I'm stealing him from you, is not helping yourself. because actually, I have no reason to want him. I'm quite content with what I have now, thank you.
btw, you're supposed to be one of my best friends. So stop telling me everyone hates me, because um yeah, that's not true. I'm pretty sure the people that matter, don't hate me, soooo...

wow, I was kind of a witch there, with a capital "B".
I'm just kind of pissed, so sorry.

But um other than that, today was a somewhat good day. The assembly was good for once. and I didn't have to sit through two of them! w00t! oh yeah, and everyone should join the young republicans(:

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