Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Bad idea? maybe.
Mistake? possible.
Regret? never.

I know I act on impulse, but that was much further than I normally take it.
I didn't expect you to either.
Maybe we shouldn't have.
But we did talk about how, thinking about things, just messes them up, and acting on impulse works out better.
Maybe this time, acting on impulse, was a horrible idea.

I feel so confused.
About you.
About him.
About my feelings.

Sure, I felt infinite then. But I feel done now.
I came home and slept until five.
I was ready to just sleep for days.
So I wouldn't have to think about it.
Think about how we're both way too emotional, how I promised myself, among others, that I wouldn't do this, that I'm not ready.

I still have such strong feelings for him.
I do like you.

I called him, Greg picked up.
I just told him to ask Tim to call me back.

I needed to talk to you, to see you. You're the only one who can help me straighten this out.
I know you're mad at me, and I understand why. But I need you. So, please call?

I probably won't talk to you for a while.
I need to figure this out.
I need to decide where I am. Where I want to be.

"meg, will you go out with me?"
uhhh. No. not now. I can't do that now.
Maybe I won't ever be able to.
We'll see.
So, please, don't call me.

yes, I feel a connection, that is just too overpowering. Maybe thats why this happened.
I felt drawn to you?
Or is that just a fake emotion? one I made up?
I dunno.
I'm gonna watch very happy movies now, over and over.
Already watched Wizard of Oz.
Next is Mary Poppins.
then Love&Basketball.

"I spoke the words but never gave a thought to what they all could mean"- play crack the sky, by brand new

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