Saturday, April 11, 2009

oh boy. oh religious boy.

As I sat in the nursery with those woman of all ages, I kept thinking how amazing it was, to witness all these different aged women in christ. We all talked about our faith in christ and how proud we are to be part of his family.
Except me, I didn't say anything. What was I supposed to say? My faith is very weak right now, and God isn't the most important thing in my life? Saying that would have made me look pathetic, like a fake believer. Especially since the woman who baptized me was in that very room with us.
I've decided since there isn't really anything else to distract me anymore, I will read my bible more, and pray, and think about God, instead of guys. Who needs guys anyways? Sure, we all want a boyfriend, but we don't need one. I've pretty much given up on the dating scene for a while. If some great guy, who believes in God comes my way, then yeah, I'll go for it. But I've definitely added that to my standards. No more none religious guys. I want someone who can help me stay on track with my faith, and someone I can do the same for. But like I said, I'm staying away from dating for a while. Not looking, just waiting.

It's also the idea that someone who believes in God, will also believe in the whole no sex before marriage thing, no cheating, or anything like that. Someone with morals. Someone who will be faithful. I want someone who believes in God, and everything He stands for.
Please, God, when I'm ready, send me someone like that.

You know, someone I can bring to Reckless with me. Someone who will willingly come to church and Ignite with me.

You know, someone like the one guy who's completely off limits.
I mean I'm not interested, I was just thinking how great that guy would be, for whoever ends up with him. He's too old for me, and one of my best friends has always had a thing for him, no matter how hard she tries to get rid of it. I cannot have him. Nor can I want him.

I don't want anyone right now anyways.

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