Wednesday, April 8, 2009

take a plunge.

I just wanna scream my lungs out.
I want everyone to hear how hurt I am right now.
Everyone keeps asking what happened, but they don't really care.
The only person who seems to care, is the one person I'd never expect.
(8:32:59 PM) ricky: hes just a stupid guy like me
(8:33:06 PM) ricky: he doesnt realize what he is missing

don't you dare say things like this to me. I know you're trying to make me feel better. But Tim is NOT a stupid guy. He made me happy, he brought me back. He made me confident again, he helped me face my fears. All my thoughts contained him, and when I was with him, I felt like I could do anything. Don't you dare say this was just a stupid relationship I'll get over in a few days. Who are you to tell me how much this relationship meant to me?
Yeah, I know I'll get over it, because it's not so much losing the boy friend, its losing the best friend. Not having three hour conversations with you just about life, politics, religion, everything. I don't know how I'm supposed to stop doing that. How I'm supposed to just give up my best friend.

"We can't be close friends."
"You and me?"
"Yes, I can't do it, I just can't."

Why did I say that to you. I didn't mean it. Not in any way. Not at all.
I want you to be my best friend. I want it to stay like that. I wanna talk to you every night still. And I wanna still support you.

"He helped me face everything. He's the first person to ever make me face everything I'm afraid of. He's my best friend. He's my world. I don't know how to do it without him. I don't know how to keep going without his support behind me."
"what happened then?"

I supported his decision. I told him it'd be okay if he broke up with me as long as he was happy.
And I want him to be happy, I do. I just want him to be happy, with me. I want us to be happy.
I'm the most selfish person I've ever met.

"No, Taylor, you don't understand, I don't cry. I was always taught not to."
"Meg, you have to cry. Everyone has to."
I still didn't cry.
But now, all of a sudden I am. How did you effect me this much? I don't know why I let you in.
I wanna call you, and I wanna apologize. I want to talk to you for hours. I want to tell you how bad I'm hurting. But I can't, because for once, you're the one causing the pain.

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