Saturday, February 28, 2009

just because you make a difference, doesn't mean you've made a change.

"You mean that confident bitch you thought I was at first?"
"yeah, I want her, bring her back to me."
I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to be confident. Because I know I've changed for the worse. And I know you think it's your fault. It's not your fault at all. I started facing my fears. But I've learned that I wasn't ready to face them yet.

You don't think you've made a difference in someone's life. Because they haven't changed. Babe, you can't set out to change people. Just because you've made a difference, doesn't mean the person will change. You've probably helped them more than you know.

What do you mean you're protecting me? How do you protect someone when you won't talk to them? You don't even look at me. You said you were protecting me and you. I'm sorry sweetie, but telling me that I don't mean enough to hurt you, isn't exactly helping me.

HAHAHAHA. nice escape from andy's house today, babe. I'm surprised the whole car didn't flip over. You've had your license for what a month now? :DDD
You might wanna check underneath your car. Because checking the rims isn't enough. You might have punctured something. I love the license plate now. It's all bent in.
That was quite something. You should become a stunt driver(:

I love you. You mean so much to me. Everything will be okay. I know you're unhappy either way. Whether you have him or not. But maybe this is God's way of saying you still need him. Can you do me a favor though? and not get too attached again?
Don't make him your everything. Because when he's gone the pain will be unbearable.

maybe hanging with stu and chris later?
ha, we'll see.

do me a favor meg? Can you make a promise? Tell him you love him and that you never wanna lose him. Because he makes you happy. And you deserve that.
I promise

I can't do that Case. I can tell him I never wanna lose him, and that he makes me happy. But I can't tell him I love him. I'll tell him when I know I'll mean it.

you. I don't know what to do about you. I don't even know you anymore. You're so much more destructive than you think.
"so you believe Nihco over me?"
"yeah, because when I tell Nihco something, everyone doesn't know the next day."
"I don't know what that means."

fucking figure it out girl. It means I can't trust you anymore. I love you, I do, and I miss you, I miss the way we used to be. I miss field day, where we just hung out the whole day. And we agreed on things. What happened to those days? The days where we were just happy friends?

There were rapid statements,
About life commitments,
A sense of heat that I couldn't bare to touch,
I couldn't bare it.- its not your fault by newfound glory

Friday, February 27, 2009

insane in the membrane.

Joshua; My oldest brother. Thick glasses. dark hair. extremely in shape. But yet, so simple, and amused by everything. I don't think I've ever seen him mad.
Katie; my brother's fiance. He's never met her, but cares for her so much. But today he seemed slightly irritated with her. Is it possible that even my amazing brother has become impatient?
What is this world coming to?


Some random dude added me on facebook. Definite creeper.
"I don't think I know you"
"ya i know lol ur cute"

wooooo! sex party.
that was interesting...

nothing much going on right now.
I have an optimistic view on everything?
because I decided to finally listen to Ian(:

hanging with Tim tomorrow(:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can you stay strong?

"I'm so glad you came tonight"
screw you. screw you. screw you.
Why do you have to act like everything is okay. Like nothing happened last time we went out. Because I know you're mad at me, and making me feel guilty is not fair. It's not fair. I didn't do anything, you know this was all your fault, not mine.
And yes I did feel rather smug, when I guilted you into buying me a book. Because making you buy me books is the only way I know how to make you feel bad about this whole thing. Maybe you'll understand now.

soo I was reading your blog, and it made me want to say that I love you, and that I'll be a friend to you just because I can be, and that I'm not someone who will screw you over, and I'm not someone who will knock you over and make you feel like it's your fault that you're on the ground.
because you deserve better than that.
um, yeah. i think that was it (:

does anyone understand how amazing it is to have people like you? No one understands how amazing it is to just have people encourage me like this every so often. Knowing you're loved is the best feeling ever.

Make your marriage work through love and respect.
I'm sorry dear Catholic church. But love is only as strong as the one feeling it.
Love doesn't last anymore, because people see one thing go wrong, and they end it.
Love is strong, but divorce has the final word. I'm not saying all marriages will end. It's just the ones that do last, are in a shrinking minority.

Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away
- kristy are you doing okay? by the offspring.

I turned on the radio, and heard this song. The moment I heard it, I liked it, so I looked it up. Is the name of the song a sign? A sign that Kristy isn't doing as okay as I'd like to hope? I've tried to get through to her. I have. I miss her. She won't let me back in. She won't tell me what's wrong. Or what I did. I'm so worried about her.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


" see how you're acting now? I like it when you act this way."
I'm so sorry babe. I am so sorry I've let all of this get to me.
I won't let it anymore. I'll be that girl, I'll do it just for you.
I'd do anything for you.

I'm so confused. I wish you weren't in New Mexico. I need to talk to you about all of this. About how you've betrayed me, and then lied about it. Sweetie, I care about you, but I can't be there for you, if you're gonna act like this. I don't think we can be friends anymore. And for once, it's me ending the friendship, not you.

I was supposed to hang with Stuart today. He didn't pick up. He didn't reply to my messages. He's probably with her.

When I think about how Tim told you to shut the fuck up, and your boyfriend just laughed, it makes my day. To know that not everyone thinks your the cutest thing ever.
And Emily was right, you do get away with everything because you act so innocent. It's not fair. screw you. and screw how you get everything, but yet still find the need to make others miserable. Someday you'll know how it feels to be like everyone else

(5:20:02 PM) harman: lol me and erika are making a adult story
(5:20:11 PM) harman: it is about her raping joe from sca
you two, are my life. And I'm sooo sorry Harman, I'm so sorry for how I've acted towards you for months now. I don't know why I pushed you away. But I'm so glad to have you back, and to be able to have one of your infamous "sex parties" again.
"what happens at Harman's house, stays at Harman's house."
That's the way it should be. And it's so weird knowing I've been left out of them for months. And that she's taken my place.

Also if you ever wondered why i have been your friend through thick in thin...
It's because I frankly don't have many real friends and you were one of my first actual friends and for that, I did all these things for you, because you were the only good person to me and I know that even if sometimes you may have not been. That you really are a good person and you deserve all that I have given
I love you(:
and its so good to know, that even though I've messed up so much. You'll always be there.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

and no one can be trusted

So much for raising spirits by apologizing. Apparently my apology was ridiculous.
And that is because you are a bitch. I have put you in the same category as the other girl. You could both rot in hell, and it'd be okay with me. The fact that I apologized to you, and your response was that you've never done anything to me, is not okay. Because I had NO reason to apologize to you. You have messed up my reputation. And I apologized to you. What is wrong with me?

Oh and your boyfriend lies to you. he lies to me. He tells us what we wanna hear. So don't feel like he takes your side. Because when you aren't around he takes my side.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
I wish I never had to see you again.
No, I don't hate you. Because I have brought all of this upon myself. And its my fault for not being able to let you go. Not yours. I should hate myself. Not you.
And according to everyone else, I should hate myself. So in the end it works out for everyone. Except me. That's okay. I'm used to that.

This whole thing, will hopefully make me stronger in the end.
Good, something to look forward to.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's good to see you smile

(9:22:30 PM) xander: i love you too

this doesn't affect me anymore. You could say this to me now. I don't think it'd affect me then either. Maybe putting your name in that box did help me. Also, reading old convos between you and me, hurt at first. But then I read old convos between me and Tim, and there was such a contrast that, I realized you were never worth the fight. The fight I've been putting up for months now, was a waste of time.

(9:24:01 PM) tim: the thrill of plunging in without knowing
(9:24:05 PM) tim: :)
(9:24:15 PM) meg: I dont plunge:P
(9:24:45 PM) meg: well it seemed like you were asking if I think you're gonna fight for my strong feelings or for singing. haha
(9:25:25 PM) tim: that was it...your better than you think you are at this;)

how is it that even after knowing you for two weeks, I had this strong connection to you. And I can tell from this that you felt it too. It wasn't just me jumping into something without thinking about it again. Trust me when I say that I thought hard about us before I even considered liking you. Is it bad to say that I felt that connection when I met you at the ice rink. Or that when Case said she kinda liked you, that I lied about our relationship. I told her that we were kind of an item, when we weren't. We just talked on the phone for hours every night. Neither of us had ever mentioned liking each other. But I wanted you, and I became very jealous when she said that. I got really defensive, and couldn't stand the idea of you with another girl. Even though, I didn't think I liked you then.

And I felt so guilty about that. You have no idea how bad I feel about lying to you. And I know you said you forgive me and that its okay. But I had no right to do that. He wasn't mine, and saying he was, was a terrible thing to do. I'm so sorry.

When Kristy told me to go talk to you at the ice rink. I never knew it would lead to all of this. And that my mindless flirting would make me develop a crush on you. I never thought that I'd talk to you again after that night. But then I added you on myspace, and then you added me on aim, and then we started talking on the phone. And I think self consciously, I wanted this all along. And I intended for it to happen. Does that make me a bad person? because I feel bad about it. I feel like somehow I tricked you into all of this. And I feel like you've gotten yourself into something you never expected. But I can't stand the idea of losing you.

Um, it kind of bothers me though, that the day after you get back, you're hanging with the one girl who's screwed you over for three years. And I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I am. Because deep inside I feel like she's gonna try something. Like she's gonna do something to try to get you to feel the way you used to about her. And I do trust you. I do. It just hurts, because I know she's gonna try something. And if she doesn't try anything, I'll have to apologize to her. But the fact that I think she will, hurts. Because she used to be one of my best friends. And the fact that she might try to hurt me like that is unbearable.
And babe, you kind of promised me to hang out then. And now all of a sudden you're hanging with her. It's like you completely forgot about it. I need you so much right now, and I know she needs someone, too. But why does it have to be you? Maybe I'm just being selfish.

I've been apologizing to everyone lately. Not necessarily because they deserve it. But because I feel like I've let a lot of people down. And I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much damage I've done in the past months. And so, I'm apologizing to everyone that I've hurt. I think I'm kind of over doing it though. Some of these people don't deserve it. But it always feels good when someone says they're sorry to you doesn't it? So hopefully I'm making people feel better. Maybe lifting someone's spirit.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

(9:32:41 PM) chris: I love you :-)

(9:09:00 PM) harman: knock knock
(9:09:06 PM) meg: whos there?
(9:09:18 PM) harman: Harman and he will always be there for you

"and you don't know how much you've done for me,in the little time I've known you, you've been so good to me"

:)"and im glad i can help you in your time of need"

How did I ever earn friends like these. Everyone hates me, but yet, I have these people. These people who, no matter what, they care. And its kind of like god. I realized that even though I haven't really thought about God in weeks, that he was always there.

Today, at ignite, they had us put the name of someone we were surrendering to God. I put your name in the box. And I kept a copy of exactly what I wrote on it. And I don't think I should have done that. Because, the point was to give you up, and I didn't. I just had to keep a copy. And now it's gonna haunt me. I can't get rid of it, no not now. It'll be a constant reminder of everything you've done to me. Why do I let people get to me so easily?

It's like you. You've done so much to me, but in the end I was the one apologizing.
"I really don't think you should have said sorry"
I was horrible to her, no wonder she dislikes me so much, because I say things like that when I'm upset. At least I didn't do my worst. I wanted to say horrible, nasty things to her. But anyone who knows me, knows I can't do that. After all you've done to me, I could never do that to you. You've ruined my whole reputation. People ask me for sex in the hallways, and everyone calls me names. With everything else I have going on, I couldn't deal with it anymore.

"They just said that you can't be trusted. And that you did horrible things to them.
but meg baby, I don't see it. I just, can't see it."

I got to spend a lot of my day with one of the only people I trust anymore. How do I know I trust her? Because I can tell she's genuinely sorry about everything she's done. The jealousy, the talking behind my back. The fact that she stood up for me. You never needed to, you didn't have to. But the fact that you did, means so much. I love you so much. You've helped me. And you've been there for me, when I need it the most. I loved walking to Dunkin Donuts with you in the rain, searching for "zebra gum", and finding out what froth is. I can see you being the person I trust with everything. And I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through. But everything that we're going through now, we'll go through together. I wanna go to celebrate recovery with you, and strengthen my faith with you. I love you.

"just let it die meg.
sorry to be a dick
just let go."

How do you expect me to let this go. I've tried to let this go. Oh my God I've tried. I've done everything. But in the end you're the one thing that remains. I hate you. I want this to stop.
I need this to stop.
I can't deal with the idea of you anymore.
Please God, help me forget about this. I need to forget about this.

Um, you need to come back, soon. I need to see you, I need you to help me with all of this.

Oh my god. I don't have that anniversary anymore. Why on earth did I do that? No, I don't regret it. I don't. I should. I wish I did. Dear God, help me. Please help me. I need you.

So tell me where did I go wrong before you
Before you came along
Well, it seems like I was lost
You showed me how to do things right
Now I'm so glad that now you're mine- better with you by five times august.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I'm at Aura's! with courtneyyy.

went to reckless with them, and saw chris and john tapia.

I got a frisbee.

I realized that if I saw you on the cross, I'd realize how much that meant.
Because when I think of the one person I love the most, you're the first person who comes to mind.
And I hate you for it.
I absolutely hate you.
I wish I had never met you.

Anywayssssss! watching Grease(:
talking to Tim on the phone later.

Friday, February 20, 2009

girl chalk. :D

"someday, I'll find the key to your heart, and if not, I'll break and enter. I would do anything to be able to call you mine."

and no that quote was not directed at me.

I got to do the one thing today, the one thing I haven't done in almost a year. The one thing I used to cling to. That one thing, you know the one? the one I had to force myself to quit.
The one I never wanted to go back to.
But I'm back, and begging for mercy.
I needed it, and I was so happy when those three girls welcomed me back into it.

I can't believe you did this, again.
I can't believe she did this to you, again.
I can't believe I just stood by and watched, again.

McDonald's for supper tonight.
Since when do we have money to do that?

The one person I'd love to see, is in Colorado.
Colorado? Who goes to Colorado for vacation?
Oh, right, you and your snow boarding.
Hey, I miss you. And I'd really love to be able to tell you everything lately, but I can't.
I don't wanna know what you'll say to me.
No, I know what you'll say, I just don't want to hear it.
I don't wanna hear the disappointment in your voice.

"how do you expect me to be a good friend if you won't let me?"
I'm so sorry. I'd love to let you in. But I can't.

I'm thinking about you,
and I remember everything, all of us
I look at the ocean,
but still I can't see anything,
but all of us. - december boys by peter cincotti

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I wish I could make her stop for you.

"You just need to find what you're good at."
"I'm not good at anything."
"Then find something you like, and work at it."

He doesn't know it, but he gives the best advice. She doesn't know it, but he could be my best friend someday. Thanks for always being there when I need it the most.

I honestly cannot stand that girl. She makes me want to shank people. And I kind of wish she'd fall into a dark hole.


^^^BAHAHAHA<333 style="color: rgb(204, 51, 204);">1. Being called a skank by multiple people in the hallway. Wouldn't have ever bothered me, but after a few months, it gets old and fast.
2. Watching multiple people cut, drink, do drugs,
3. Watching her hurt you, over and over again.
4. Having your best friend, completely stop talking to you, for no reason.
5. Not being able to get over #4
6. Knowing that you hate me.

Reasons why I'm not always as happy as I used to be. okay, yeah I know everyone has noticed that I'm not happy as much. And that I don't bounce around the band room anymore, haha. "Meg, where'd that sparkle in your eyes go?"
I dunno Mr. Sterling, everything was just going so good for a while. And then it all stopped.
I can't explain it. I wish the sparkle was still there, I really do.
But there's only one thing that can put it back. And I have a feeling that I'm gonna have to find a new sparkle. Maybe I already have. Maybe I just need to realize it.

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
- follow you into the dark by deathcab for cutie

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm sorry I bothered you.

Stuck at MCMS all day.
Stuart's birthday tomorrow.
Subway with Chris, Stu, and Mr. Castillo.
Second I get home, once again get attacked.

I hate it here.
take me away?

I didn't do anything to deserve this.
I spent all weekend taking care of melly, and keeping the house clean, so you'd be welcomed home nicely.
And this is the thanks I get.
Once again mom, love you too.

For once, I actually wish I chosen to move to Londonderry.
Maybe everything would be okay there.

It wouldn't be okay though. Because you would still take everything out on me.
You would still point out all of my flaws, and ignore all of yours.

I hate people.
Honestly, I have like twenty real friends. And its great, going through the day knowing everyone dislikes me, and maybe even hates me.
And then coming home to this.

And mom. I try a lot harder than you'll ever give me credit for.
You've got it in your head that I'm stupid, and not worth it, so theres not point in trying to prove you wrong, now is there? Why do the work for no results? Because in the end, you'll always dislike me as much as you do now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

God, help me save them.

it just bothers me, that people have one thing go wrong, and they hurt themselves. What about the people with cancer? or abusive parents? homeless people? the people with aids? how can you have an amazing life compared to them, but give up easier than they do?

It seems like everyone around me is falling down the road of depression, and they want me to catch them. I can't help everyone. I want to. I really do. I wish I could.

They do it all. Every single one, to make themselves feel better.
They want me to lead them to God. But to be perfectly honest, I don't even know if I believe in him anymore myself.

I believe in hope, and being able to change your life around.
And if that's what God represents, then yeah I guess I believe in him. But the idea of someone who has complete control over everything, but yet doesn't help the people who need it, makes me sick.

I want to save everyone. I want to help. But if you won't let me in, or don't see the wrong in what you're doing, I can't.

I contimplated suicide.
I attempted suicide
I burn, I cut, it never helps enough.
Honey it's okay, it helps, makes me feel better. I need it. Don't worry about it.
I'm wasted, can you get someone to come get me?
what do you have at your house for pills?

Sure, you took away his razors.
But did you know you're the reason he needed them?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You know that I can still bleed

Someplace, somewhere behind me,
I walked right through the truth.
Truth is that you're the one thing,
That always pulls me through.- cut me mick by yellowcard

I honestly can't stand this anymore.
Watching you look at me.
Seeing you miss me.
Acting like you don't care at all.
I feel the same way honey.
Pretending I'm fine.
Like I don't miss you at all.
Like I don't want you back.
All this happened suddenly.
You stopped talking to me
You ignored me.
Told me to let it all go.
What did I do to deserve this?
Watching you suffer all alone.
Not letting anyone in.
Not letting me in.
Pushing everyone away.
I just want to talk to you again.
Know that everything is ok.
That this was all a mistake.
You didn't mean to hurt me like this.
I don't know what's going on.
Did you want this to happen?
Letting it all go.
Was it the point all along?
To make me fall for you, just so you could kill me.
Killing me.
Stabbing me repeatedly
Not even slowly.
No, you're too cruel for that.
Sudden thoughts of you.
How much I miss you.
How much I need you.
Does it bother you at all?
That I can't move on.
I want our friendship back
Thoughts about fixing this.
I never loved you.
I tricked myself into thinking that.
I could never love you.
No, never, not after this.
I still wish we were friends.
This hurts so much.
It hurts him too.
You're hurting your best friend, my boyfriend.
You aren't doing anything.
This is all my fault.
I clinged too tight.
Didn't give you space.
I'm so sorry.
If only you knew.
I wish I had never met you.
Never talked to you.
Never wanted you.
How did this all happen?
I was so stupid.
To think you actually cared.
You never did.
Maybe you did.
Maybe you still do.
I hope you do.
If you hate me.
You have no good reason.
I didn't do anything but care about you.
I held on too tight.
I still can't let go
Help me let go.
Tell me you hate me.
That you can't stand me
No, please don't.
Tell me you still care.
Talk to me again.
Explain to me what goes on through that head of yours.
I need you.
I hate this so much.
Let me go
I just want this to end.
To be able to tell him.
that you mean nothing to me.
You'll never mean nothing.

you were my everything.

I can't concentrate, I need to kill zombies now.

I got to hang out with my girlfriend today!
oh yeah, and the boyfriend.
dudeeee, my dad decided to come over while he was here.
My sister tried to get him to leave quickly.
I was like umm, crap.

I haven't seen my mom in two days, this is, AMAZING.
and she won't be home till like Monday.
Best weekend ever.

I kind of wish I could have spent more time with you though.

hanging with auds tomorrow(:
hopefully to make her feel better.

I close my eyes and I smile.
Knowing that everything is alright- eighteenth floor balcony by blue october

Aura's in my shower! :D

I really don't have any idea what I'm doing today.
I don't even know if I'm hanging with Tim. haha, I hate Valentine's day.

Possibly hanging with Sam and Hugo later. I doubt it though, our plans never ever work out.
But maybe this time they will.

I kind of love how I have plans with my friends on valentines day, and not my boyfriend, as far as I know, anyways.
Oh well, this days about love, and I love my friends, so that counts right?

I had to make Troy feel better earlier about being single. I guess Valentines day does suck if your single and none of your friends are around. But come on, its just another day on the calendar, its just forced more.

I'll tell you how my day actually goes later(:

I'll be fine.When I die, then I die loving you- dear bobbie by yellowcard

Friday, February 13, 2009

wanna learn chess?!

I thought I was over this. I really did. But the fact that I see you look at me in band, and avoid looking me in the eyes, hurts more than you could ever imagine. And I know you miss me. I just wish you would admit it. I didn't do anything, why did you have to push me away like that? I really can't deal with this.
I need you back.
and I miss you.
I can't make the pain go away.

I really really hate you. And I'm so glad you'll be gone next year. Because hopefully you'll stop hurting him like this. You make him do terrible things, and you don't even care. It's like you enjoy watching him suffer. Now I understand why his family loves me, and really dislikes you. It's because they know what you do to him.

Honey, I wish you wouldn't do this to yourself, you deserve to be happy, more than anyone else I know. You've been dealt a hard hand, but there's still next round, so please stick around for it. please.

I feel so empty.
And I shouldn't, everything is going great right now.
I just feel so lost in everything.

You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know- thinking of you by katy perry

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

this is a one sided kind of fun.

haha, study hall.
the girls were talking about how they're gonna get a bunch of people together to beat me up.
I find this so amusing. Considering well, I've only talked to those girls, uh lets see, ONCE.

hey, you're the worst person I've ever met.
And I can't believe you could do that to him.
How low can you go?
apparently really freaking low.
Honestly, I don't know how any one could even think of hurting him as much as you have.

"if they do any pda, scream okay?"
"I'll scream rape!"
oh geez.

And I wasn't mad btw.
I wasn't mad at you at all(:

I can't stand watching you do this to yourself.
But I don't know how to get through to you, no matter how hard I try.

I'll be reaching for the stars with you, honey
Who cares if no one else believes
So I, set fire to everyone around- she's my ride home by blue october

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

everyone has addictions.

Study hall is gonna be interesting tomorrow. That's for sure.

uhhh, I'm supposed to make a dance for German class. To the tune of Oh Susanne.
Like honestly, how do I get myself into stuff like this?

HAHA, we're gonna have a sub in civics tomorrow, hopefully it'll be the same one we had on Friday.

I love going to Stu's house, and just taking food from there, whether he's home or not.

I also love when Chris randomly shows up, and we watch four episodes of Invader Zim. We're pretty much the coolest people ever(:

And also, I could have wrecked that girl.

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head
I miss you, miss you- I miss you by blink 182

Sunday, February 8, 2009

you make the sun shine brighter

Sleepovers are not a good idea, when you're going to church the next day.
I fell asleep during the British man's sermon! Which is very upsetting, since well, he had a British accent.

I don't know anyone who can get lost going to the mall and end up in Derry. That takes some mad skill babe.

you know whats pretty rad? The fact that only I can cheat in bowling. I kind of threw the ball before the pins were done being set up, and hit that bar thing, and then knocked down eight pins...
I also threw the ball behind me and hit people... I shouldn't ever bowl.

haha, as excited as I was about that...

For once everything is okay. I hope you feel bad about all of this. But mostly I feel like I wasted my time. And I don't know why it took me so long to get over this. Because you sir, were definitely not worth it.
I kind of find all of this funny.

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance- second chance by shinedown

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

you never hug me like that.

Nothing new has been happening lately.
I've been spending most of my time in my room listening to music.
I was absent for two days, I was sick on both, but also had testing at the hospital on mondayyy.
I love those days :/
I wish they were non counting though...

I really hope she doesn't break up with you. And I know I dislike her, but she makes you happy most of the... well no, sometimes.
and without her, you wouldn't ever be happy.

Is it weird that I got home at four thirty and thought it was too early to be home?

My mom was home when I got here. Very unusual, so I asked if she was feeling okay, and apparently she was only tired. But then she yelled at my sister and then went to her room and slammed the door.
I find it kind of amusing how moody she's been lately.
I don't even have to do anything anymore, she just yells at me for no good reason.
"Meg, you can't just sit around all the time, you're grounded."
"So now you're forcing me to sit around?"
"NEVERMIND, you aren't grounded"
mmmkay, like it would have made a difference anyways.

time for a bit about rumors!
I love them to death, especially when they're about me.
I think its kind of funny what people come up with.
I love the rumors about me that have been going on for months now.
you think people would chill after a while, but no, when people have no lives they make stuff up to entertain themselves.
And it's great!