Saturday, February 14, 2009

You know that I can still bleed

Someplace, somewhere behind me,
I walked right through the truth.
Truth is that you're the one thing,
That always pulls me through.- cut me mick by yellowcard

I honestly can't stand this anymore.
Watching you look at me.
Seeing you miss me.
Acting like you don't care at all.
I feel the same way honey.
Pretending I'm fine.
Like I don't miss you at all.
Like I don't want you back.
All this happened suddenly.
You stopped talking to me
You ignored me.
Told me to let it all go.
What did I do to deserve this?
Watching you suffer all alone.
Not letting anyone in.
Not letting me in.
Pushing everyone away.
I just want to talk to you again.
Know that everything is ok.
That this was all a mistake.
You didn't mean to hurt me like this.
I don't know what's going on.
Did you want this to happen?
Letting it all go.
Was it the point all along?
To make me fall for you, just so you could kill me.
Killing me.
Stabbing me repeatedly
Not even slowly.
No, you're too cruel for that.
Sudden thoughts of you.
How much I miss you.
How much I need you.
Does it bother you at all?
That I can't move on.
I want our friendship back
Thoughts about fixing this.
I never loved you.
I tricked myself into thinking that.
I could never love you.
No, never, not after this.
I still wish we were friends.
This hurts so much.
It hurts him too.
You're hurting your best friend, my boyfriend.
You aren't doing anything.
This is all my fault.
I clinged too tight.
Didn't give you space.
I'm so sorry.
If only you knew.
I wish I had never met you.
Never talked to you.
Never wanted you.
How did this all happen?
I was so stupid.
To think you actually cared.
You never did.
Maybe you did.
Maybe you still do.
I hope you do.
If you hate me.
You have no good reason.
I didn't do anything but care about you.
I held on too tight.
I still can't let go
Help me let go.
Tell me you hate me.
That you can't stand me
No, please don't.
Tell me you still care.
Talk to me again.
Explain to me what goes on through that head of yours.
I need you.
I hate this so much.
Let me go
I just want this to end.
To be able to tell him.
that you mean nothing to me.
You'll never mean nothing.

you were my everything.

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