Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Green means go.

That face hurts my soul.
Eyes that could kill.
Constant thoughts of you, you give me a look too, but not so much filled with hurt, more waiting.
Your song is the one my heart beats along to.
Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. pulses through my veins like the blood that runs there.
That face, make it go away.
Shut up, shut up, shut up. No point in listening to your lies. Same ones you told forever ago. SMACK "what are you sorry for?" "I'm sorry for every thing." Your voice like thunder. Bruises leave, scars stay forever. Thoughts of the past sneak in, quick to slam that door in the face. No need for that visitor.
Your arms... Would it be the only safe place I've ever known?
Eyes so thoughtful, smile filled with hope. Sir? Why describe me in that way, I wonder?
Your arms... The thought lingers.

I actually love this assignment for English. Go for a walk, and then write about all the things you thought about. Oh, the joys of the poetry unit. I could get into this. I'll have to stay strong though, if I show any sign of being good at poetry in that class, the kids won't shut up about it.
I need them to just let me be...

You gave me a look I've never seen before.
I don't know how to describe that. It was like you were apologizing to me through your eyes, while trying to share another message with me. I just need to find the other message. I wish you'd just tell me what it is you were talking about in the hallway. It's rather clear that it is important, otherwise you'd have told me by now.

You gave a look too. But it was the one that instead of apologizing, makes me feel guilty, like I need to say I'm sorry. Not sure for what though...
You did apologize. You didn't mean it as much as you'd like to think. You aren't sorry, you think it all makes sense in the head of yours.

I was gonna ask you to go to the concert tonight with me, I think instead I'll ask if you wanna go to the orchestra one with me tomorrow.

I sincerely have the need to fix that saxophone of yours. That thing looked like what would happen if a saxophone was sent to hell.
p.s. I'd like if you'd call.

I quite like the music you're into it. It makes me feel happy.

I'm in a rather techno mood all of a sudden.

And I do no prefer him over you. Think about things before you say them. Before you think them. I'd love to not hurt you by liking him, but that's not possible. But I do not in any way wish you didn't exist.
You mean a lot to me, don't forget that, okay?

Look over the surface and into the distance
Constantly showering me with decision- define a transparent dream by the Olivia Tremor Control

Looks like we both have a decision to make, hmm?
Go through with it or no?
"Green means go."
But what if the light is red?

I'm sorry that the look I gave you today, "pierced your soul".
Maybe that's the only way I'll be able to get in your head.

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