Monday, June 8, 2009

I can't stand to see you sad, I can't stand to see you cry.

I'm pissed at you.
Why would you act all supportive towards it, and then make me feel guilty about it in the end?
Yes, I really like him. Yes, I stayed on the phone with him. Yes, he likes me.
and most importantly, yes, I did give him a birthday card.
Because its easier for me to give him one, than it is to give you that specific one.
I hate how you react to me. Not just to me, everything. And it's true I don't give people birthday cards, but its not like I gave him the real one.

I do really like him. I love how easy it is to talk to him. How I told him more about what my dad used to do, than I told the state. Instant trust, instant bond. It's not normal. I keep trusting people too easily, and one day, I'll trust the wrong person.

Stupid Senior banquet, it would have been better if you were there.
Stuart wouldn't have bothered me as much. I would have had a reason to ignore him.
But I know how he is, he's found eyecandy, and he doesn't want me messing that up for him.
I honestly hate him, but I love him too. I can't stand how mean he is to me around people. But when it's just us hanging out, I... I don't even know. I just miss us, okay. I miss when you didn't do the things you're doing now. I wish you weren't as messed up as you are. I tried to fix you, protect you almost. There's nothing left for me to do, you're breaking me down. And I can't keep up.

I don't know what to say.
I need to stop for a little while.
But this all seems so good.
No way to explain it really.

And I lied to you last night. I do like him. And I am over you. The fact that you got all disappointed when I said I was going to talk to him, amused me almost.
"We just haven't talked in a while."
Well, sorry, but that isn't exactly my fault. You don't pick up your phone, and you shut down every chance we have to talk. You need to figure this out for yourself. I've decided for myself.
I love you, I do. But I've given up on you completely.

You hung up the phone, not either of us. So really, we didn't kick you out, you did exactly what you said you were considering doing.

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