Wednesday, June 10, 2009

stop... blood...stop...

I never realized what its like to be in so much pain before.
Pop in a few pain killers, pop in a few more. And when that's not enough, just a couple more.
I don't really know how many I've taken.
I don't know why this cut won't stop bleeding.
And why I can't stop vomiting.
I hardly ate today. That muffin.
I didn't even eat all of it.
What's going on?

YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO GIVE ME RULES NOW. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST YEAR AND A HALF WHERE I'VE BEEN MY OWN PARENT? I've done everything for myself. And okay, I leave messes. But that's just to prove to you that I still exist.
Stupid child services, you don't help anything, you ruin it.
All my privileges, everything is gone.
How many more times is she gonna take away everything good in my life?
please, stop bleeding.

she told him to. she told him to.
for once in my life. she told him to.

I need you so bad right now.
But you won't answer. You shouldn't be there to listen anymore.
pick up your phone...

Do you realize you had almost the exact same meeting with Noelle years ago?
Ha, oh look, she became pregnant at the age of sixteen.
stop repeating yourself.
you have problems.
go to counseling.
do something.

I don't need you.
You haven't been here. you can't just act like you have control over me.
You don't.
You never will.

no more trusting.
no more talking.
I'm done.

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