Sunday, March 22, 2009

Announce it the world.

I think I'm losing my two best friends.
"Meg, we're going to see him, he said he was baked."
I only agreed because I was gonna yell at him.
But when I got there I just felt horrible.
I sat there, and I couldn't say anything to him.
I couldn't express how angry I was. And then when I did, I felt terrible, because there he was not having any control over what he was doing. I realized it wasn't him who I was mad at it. Well that wasn't all of it anyways. I was mad at myself. I was mad that he is who I used to be. And that's scary. No one understands.
"you can't protect him from the world."
"I know, but I can protect him from himself."
I'm losing you. Where's the boy that would come to my house at ten just because I was having a bad day? Now you're off getting high. I miss you. I want my best friend back.

I'm losing you too. You're joining the military. You're gonna be off in training in a few weeks. I've lost both of you. I feel like I lost Chris a long time ago. He's not the same anymore.

What am I supposed to do? I lost my two absolute best friends. And I'm pushing away the only person who means anything to me anymore.
I'm gonna be all alone again.

I think Audrey is the only one who understood how upset I was about the Stu thing.
She got up to say good bye to me. I know she's not okay with what he's doing either.

Chris, you said we were going there to yell at him for what he did. You didn't yell at him. You scolded him for like ten seconds. Why would you put me in that position? You know how I feel about drugs. Seeing my best friend on them, is the worst possible thing you could do to me. So thanks for that. He kept saying I was making him feel guilty. I didn't mean to, but I'm glad I did. You cannot be mad at me. You do not deserve that privilege.
"Meg, where are you going?"
"Come on Meg, just announce it to the world."
"Meg come back? are you uncomfortable?"
"Fuck you Meg. Just announce it to the world"
"have a goodnight Meg."
"Thanks Audrey, you too."

I couldn't say anything to any of them except Audrey.

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high? - champagne supernova by oasis.

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