Sunday, March 22, 2009

Understand the power of your words.

I got home at three in the morning last night.
Yes I said three in the morning.
Because my mom didn't pick up her phone, or give me a curfew. I didn't wanna get home at a time where I would have to talk my mother. Because I knew the moment I did that my day would be ruined.

The square dancing was great. hahaha people thought we had been square dancing for years, but it was the all the girl's first time(:
Things like that make me smile. Also dressing up for the square dance makes me smile.
Hour and a half car drives make me so happy. I love just being in a car, and talking with friends. Well in this case it was a bunch of twenty year olds and two seniors. But I went because Emily asked me to, and who wouldn't wanna go to a square dance?!
Tenor, Evan, Kyle, Jason, Troy, and Travis. They were all so amusing. I think that if me and Kyle had talked more, he would have discovered we have a lot in common. He's a complete metal head. I love guys like that(:
Evan was a total cutie pie, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was gay. I wouldn't be surprised if Troy was gay either. Haha, Tenor was interesting... And definitely had a thing for Emily.

Haha, Jasmine, Leah, Emily and Tree, what a great bunch of girls(:

I actually also love going to a Diner at two in the morning.

DUDE! their apartment was amazing, seven t.v's and like four computers. It's because they have so many people living there. And they don't always wanna play the same video game.
BAHAHAHA! It's basically what my apartment will look like when I'm older.

Ughhh, didn't go to small group because I was still asleep.
And today was starbuck's dayy.
Oh well, it's not like I have any money anyways,

I wish that I could make her see
She's just the flavor of the week- flavor of the week, by american high five.

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