Monday, March 30, 2009

the journey is what makes it all worth it.

Bad thoughts;
I wonder why you're so worried about them. Everyone has them. People think about sex, suicide, murder. And you're worried about your thoughts. Your thoughts about your being?
I don't think I know what you mean. Are you regretting yourself? You shouldn't ever do that.
What were we talking about last night? How depression, ADD, ADHD, and all those other mental diseases, are self inflicted. Everything this world is now, everything people hate about it, is our own fault. You kept arguing with me about that. Did you realize we were arguing for the same conclusion? That we both thought the same thing, but yet we still argued.

You insulted my religion. I know we were both talking about our own opinions on religion. But was it really necessary to insult mine? You know how much it means to me, you could have just said you didn't believe in it, and that would have been fine. But telling me why my religion didn't make sense, was not okay. Religion is my everything.

"Keep your mind open, and your tongue silent."
How can you tell me to listen to you, if you won't do the same for me.
And you kept arguing with me about everything. Most people give up. What is wrong with you?
You're the only one who has ever fought me. And I don't like it. I know you're probably trying to teach me a lesson or something, but I don't like it.

"don't say I told you so."
"I told you so."
Really sweetie? really? I don't see how that was necessary, not in the least. Last time I checked, I didn't learn the lesson from you. I learned it from myself. I realize you had been telling me that all along. But when you say I told you so, you make it sound so defiant. Like, I finally realized I was wrong, and I should have listened to you.
You know I hate being told I'm wrong. I can figure out for myself when I'm wrong.

"I realized that I shouldnt have only one thing that keeps me going"
Oh how true this is. I do it a lot though anyways. Band. Religion. Friends. Never do all of these keep me going at once. Because I lose friends, my faith weakens, I do bad in band. It's only when things go well in these categories, and the other categories fade. Isn't that strange? How when one of these things goes well, the other two are all messed up?
I guess it works...

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