Saturday, March 28, 2009

You're just a constant reminder.

I find you rather impolite, dear brother.
Just because I'm twelve years younger than you, doesn't mean I can't uphold an intelligent conversation. Maybe if you didn't talk over people all the time, you'd understand that.
Oh and mommie dearest, I'm so sorry. "MEG! walk faster, it's impossible to walk behind you when you walk that slow." Um, mom? there was a lady limping in front of me. I was trying to be polite. Sorry.

Slept over Abbey's last night(:
It was pretty rad.
Except I didn't need you hitting on me. Or touching me.
I have a boyfriend, which me and Abbey repeatedly told you.
" Do you wanna go lay down on her bed?"
UH. how about no?!
" I don't think he would date you. I think he would hook up with you."
Oh, thats great.

oh man, ouija boards. I don't believe in them at all. I find it amusing how much they freak sam out. What a pansy(:

I love how my mom listens in on my conversations, but doesn't listen when I'm talking to her.
"What are you talking about, I always listen to you. I heard what you just said."
"I was on the phone, I wasn't talking to you."
"But still"
And then she shipped me off to Abbey's.
I never said I was sleeping over.
"how many days are you staying there?"
"I wasn't planning on staying any."
"Well, why don't you go pack your bag."
ummm? Mom, really? I know you hate having me around, but you can't just make me stay over people's houses.

Tim comes back from New York tonight!

"So what happened with you and Tim? Mel said you guys broke up."
"Just stuff."
"You aren't gonna tell me? And how come you're talking to him again?"
"Because we're still friends Mom."
I'm not telling her we're back together.
She wasn't even supposed to know we broke up.

I realized how much you suck.
Like, you are the suckiest person I've ever met.
Why was I ever friends with you?
You're such a fruitcake. No lie. You're a horrible person.
You think I'm an annoying freshman? I think you're an annoying junior. You're the one who always messaged me, not the other way around. You're the one who told people you liked me. I never told anyone I liked you, until after you stopped talking to me.
HAHA! I saw you in the hallway yesterday, and you just stared at me. Did you forget I wasn't going to New York? Did you forget that you promised we'd hang out this weekend? Well, I guess you remembered then. That's why you stared, and then walked away as fast as possible.
You're pathetic. You're the biggest excuse of a person I've ever met. Nice job running away from all your fears. Someday they'll all catch up to you, and you'll be screwed. I can't wait for the day that drugs aren't enough to make you happy. When you realize your whole life is messed up. And that it's all your fault.
I know why you told her you never liked me, and that I'm annoying. It's because you didn't want her to think you were pathetic for liking a freshman. Well, guess what, you aren't pathetic because you liked a freshman, you're pathetic because you lied about it. Oh, by the way, you can lie to her as much as you want, but she doesn't like you. And everyone knows it accept you. Everyone knows she leads you on, but she actually hates you.
Someday you'll realize how much time you've wasted on her. Just like I realized how much time I wasted on you. And maybe, when that day comes, you'll realize I'm not as annoying as you thought. You won't ever tell me you're sorry, whether you are or not. We both know that someday you will be, but you'll be too scared to ever admit it. It wouldn't matter if you did tell me or not. Because I think you're a loser. A pothead. A runaway. You're everything I used to be. And I wouldn't ever be able to deal with you. All you are, is a constant reminder. A reminder of how much I messed up my life. A reminder of how I hated myself. A reminder that I've finally changed, and now I'm happy. Without you, I'm happy. And that's the greatest thing you've ever done for me. You were a jerk. And now, I'm happy. I'm just... so happy.

He tells everyone a story, because he feels his life is boring,
and he fights so you won't ignore him, because that's his biggest fear,
and he cries, but you'll rarely see him do it.
He loves, but he's scared to use it.
So he hides behind the music, cause he likes it that way.
He knows, He's so much more than worthless,
he needs to find the surface, because he's starting to get nervous.- this is a call by tfk.

Hey, you. You're amazing. And I'm sorry I've been so horrible lately. But I'm glad I'm happy, and that I'm happy with you. You mean so much to me, and you're my best friend. I can talk to you about anything and you listen, and you care. I don't always tell you everything, because I don't want you to feel like you need to fix it.

"I call baby up.
Leave me alone.
I'm in pain but I won't let you band-aid my wound"-quiet mind by blue october.

I trust you with everything. And I can't see myself without you. Whether we stay together or not, I know you'll always be my best friend. Always.

"Back to where we left off, baby.
“How you been and what’s been new with you lately?”
Just forget it, it’s the same old runaround.
You build me up just to let me down." where were you by every avenue.

Please don't talk to me. Please. I don't wanna deal with you.

This blog is really long. It's because I haven't blogged in a few days because my computers messed up.

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