Wednesday, March 11, 2009

excuse me. That my sister seat.

that girl in my english class, is so weird...

I love how everyone's freaking out about the music dept. being cut. They can't actually cut the music department. Do you know how stupid they would have to be?
"Let's cut the music kids, who are actually the smartest kids in the school. Let's see how far down our test grades go." idiots. And besides last year the same thing was said. Just because they talk about it, doesn't mean they'll do it. If they get rid of the music dept I'm definitely moving to bedford. Sorry, but Band is my life, and it's one of the only reasons I go to school anymore.

This is so horrible.
I feel like you and me are getting distant. And I don't know. We're kind of in a rut aren't we?

haha, apparently I have a sore throat, from giving to much head. oh stuart(:

pffffft best friends. I've known Alex for not even a week yet, but whatever(:
He's pretty cool. And I can already tell that I'll be able to trust him(:
Aura! Best friends babe(: I've known you for more than half my life. But we only started really talking this year. She means the world to me. And I love that she lives two houses away. It's awfully convenient.
Alex Aura and I all have an obsession with Hitler.
Haha, I love how Alex thinks I'm funny and a good writer.
what a loser:D
we're going glow bowling on saturday! hopefully I can get money to gooo...

I think I'm gonna get back into writing songs...
I miss writing music.

Sinking lower into the sea of despair.
could you, could you be my lifesaver?

I'll work on this song more later.

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