Sunday, March 1, 2009

We are better together

His name. It's so simple. But yet he's complex. He works in mysterious ways. And I never know what he's gonna do next.
Fate; I don't know if its fate exactly, I think it's destiny, God's intention. The fact that I told Case I'd go to church today, what was that about? I did not intend to go to church today, or ever again. Well, not THAT church. So why did I go? Well I'll tell you this: being with my kids again in the rockers room, playing with two year olds again. Sitting in service, and for the first time in a long time, actually paying attention, make me wonder why I don't continue to go to church.
But then there's you. You came up and talked to me for the first time in months. You have no idea how much that meant to me. But you don't understand that it hurts when you act like nothing happened, and that we're back to the way we used to be. Because you stopped talking to me for months. And you can't just act like that never happened.

I went to reckless last night. And, I don't think I can explain this through words.
"God is gonna be in this room tonight."
I thought this man was stupid. God? Ha. There's no such thing. Where has God been these past few months?(He was there, I just pushed him away.)
Laughing at this man, was the stupidest thing I've ever done. Because twenty minutes later, I was crying my eyes out, and pouring my heart out to this lady I'd hardly just met. I want God back. I do. I realized that even though I forgot about him for months, he never gave up on me.

Please hold me close
I can’t stop shaking
It’s not for fear
My walls are breaking down- can't live without you by Bebo Norman
I wish I could go to his concert.
He's amazingggg(:

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