Sunday, March 15, 2009

head up, people would kill to watch you fall.

"i hadn't seen half the stuff you have. for you to keep going is something that i envy from you. i have a hard enough time going through the minor shit i do. but you, i don't understand it."

"thats so much on your shoulders. i honestly don't know how you do everything you do. if i had gone through half the shit you have, i don't even know where i'd be. you're honestly one of the strongest girls i know."

Aura, I get through all this stuff, because I have people like you. Who I know care about me, and I care about. I'm always worried that if I give up, I'll let someone down, and they'll think it's okay for them to give up. It's never okay to give up.
Like I said, there's a reason I go through all the shit I do, it's because God knows I can handle it. He wouldn't give me challenges if He knew I couldn't overcome them. I'm strong because I'm supposed to be. I'm strong so I don't let people down.

I worry about all the people that have a hard time with stuff, and give up. I hate the idea of giving up, because that's what so many people want me to do. I don't want to satisfy them. I've always been strong headed. I don't wanna give people the satisfaction of watching me fall.

Like I said to Aura, if everything worked out instantly, we wouldn't grow from the experience. We'd all be shallow, and would expect everything to work out all the time.

"Don't take life so seriously, it isn't permanent."
this quote defines me.

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