Sunday, March 8, 2009

Meg! Do you wanna get abducted?!

Meg, you know I've been wanting this as long as you have, maybe even longer?

What's with these dreams? I'm not okay with them. Sure they reflect everything I wish had happened. What I wish could still happen. But I'm in no place to be having these dreams.
Why can't I just be over this? Why can't it just go away. I have a feeling that you didn't wanna do this. And I hope you feel bad for hurting me so much. Couldn't we just be friends again? Couldn't we just talk again?
I wish this had actually happened, but it didn't, it never will. It can't. Good thing this was all just a dream, right? It doesn't mean anything. It's like the elephant dream. Do you remember that one? Well, I do. It was a stupid dream, but that one was trying to tell me something. But this one, this one doesn't mean anything. This one can't mean anything.

I hung out with Chris and Stuart till like one in the morning last night.
We ordered a pizza, and gave the guy $18 in dimes and quarters. He was genuinely pissed off. When he left he called me a bitch. I don't think he knew then that we only gave him a seventy five cent tip.
I hate the things these boys make me do<3
We went to Troy's earlier. Ha, travis. I had hoped I wasn't going to see you.

I love how when I call Tim now, I end up talking to his friends, not him. Like I talked on the phone with greg for like an hour and a half the other night, before he put me on speaker. And then when I called you yesterday, Taylor picked up and asked if I wanted to get abducted. And then you asked.

I'm so glad you're okay. You could have gotten really hurt. :/

Like a runaway
Spend these nights counting stars
Like a runaway
And maybe I could call this home tonight
Like a runaway - runaway by thriving ivory

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