Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I don't have the greatest hold on reality.

I don't mean to sound angry in my blogs?
Especially not about you, but I always do?
I've never been thoroughly angry with you. I just get annoyed.

" All relationships go through that, when one person gets angry, and then their patience is much lower. But once you get through that patch, you'll both be happy."

But the thing is, we aren't dating? So, explain that? How will our relationship improve if there isn't one? haha, *confused*.

I'm so glad we talk every night again. My week felt slightly off without it.

I need to stop staying up so late. 'Tis messing me up(:

so, I know I'm a really touchy person, and a lot of people don't like it, but I'd much rather have people tell me, than have a mob of what I thought were my friends, come up and say I'm annoying, and too touchy. So basically, that made me really quiet today. I only really talked to Sam. And, I acknowledged Ian and Jordan, just because they make me smile(:
Okay, so if I'm so annoying why does anyone talk to me? Because a lot of the time I mind my own business at lunch unless someone talks to me.

SPEAKING OF LUNCH. I bought a wrap today right? Well I took a bite out of it, and there was something hard in it. And guess what? there was a twisty tie in my wrap. I almost ate a twisty tie. Nothing in my wrap comes in something that requires a twisty tie! buying pizza from now on.

"you say you gotta go and find yourself
you say that you're becoming someone else
don't recognize the face in the mirror
looking back at you
you say you're leaving
as you look away
i know theres really nothin left to say
just know i'm here
whenever you need me
i'll wait for you"- come back to me by David Cook.

*sigh* this came on the radio while we were talking about how you want to date me again when you're ready. It's things like this that make me think that we are supposed to get back together. So many things just click. And then there are other things, that are just so wrong. But not very many. You make me happy. When my phone starts ringing, and its your ringtone, I don't pick up immediately, because it explains everything so perfectly.
"waiting for your, call I'm sick, call I'm angry, call I'm desperate for your voice."- your call by secondhand serenade.

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