Monday, May 25, 2009

a pebble in the water makes a ripple effect.

I don't totally understand how boys work anymore.
I know what they do for other girls, and what they do when they hang out.
But once they start acting weird towards me, I have no idea what they're doing.

"That's my hand you're touching."- meg
"No, unless your hand is oddly metallic."-nihco
"Well, not anymore, but you were touching it."
"I'm feeling up your saxophone."
"I'm feeling up Meg's hands.- toby.
"Okay, alright, how about we all just feel up Meg's hands."
"No I'm all set."
"That's because you know you can do that whenever you want, Toby."
"Yeah, this is a rare occurence for me. Don't ruin it."

If only his girlfriend knew that he and I are friends. That he and I are supposed to be good friends. That we used to be. Until she came along.

You are so stupid.
You know you can just come and talk to me. You don't have to look at me every few seconds.
Because that's just annoying.
I don't hate you, not in the least.
I think you're extremely stupid, but you could change that.
I'd like to think we'll be friends again.
Maybe not soon.
But I know we will be someday.
Somehow, someway.
It'll happen.
I don't really care whether it does, but if it gets you to stop looking at me constantly, then I'll go for it.

I hate parades.
I mean I always get to pumped before them, but then during, I just feel sick.
This is the only parade that I've ever been in, that I didn't faint in.
I'm so proud of myself.
I think it may because when we weren't playing I'd see you turn around and look at me.
That made me smile.
She doesn't deserve you.
I'm not saying I do either. I know I don't.
I just know, that you're better than her.
I honestly don't think anyone's good enough for you.
And even though you should be, you aren't full of yourself at all.
But this I know, you miss us being friends.
I can tell in the way you look at me.

Maybe I can tell things about guys.
Doesn't matter, I'll always get confused.
And there will always be that one guy, that is so unpredictable, he's the most confusing of all.

"ohhh, you dated Tim Wood, right? He was my bus buddy on the New York trip. He's really annoying, I don't know how you put up with him."

I always want to punch people in the face when they say things about you.
Because they have no idea how you actually are.

"Hey are you still dating that boy?"
"You aren't? What happened?"
"It ended."
"You'll tell me about it later, won't you?"
"Sure, Nihco.

Just goes to show how out of my life you've been in the past few months.
You're welcome back anytime.
But we both know, that as long as you're dating her, we can't be good friends.
I don't want you to break up with her. No no, she makes you happy.
I like it when you're happy.
Less mood swings. You still take those out on me sometimes though.
Does she know you have them? Do you take them out on her?
I wish I was in your life again.
Just say the word.
And I will be(:

"I see it in the way you would do
What no one else could ever get through"- for those nights I can't remember by Hedley.

I'm glad to know that I'm one of the few people, you've ever told anything to.
You've apparently told me more, than you have her.
That makes me smile(:
But I also feel horrible.
She looked sick the whole parade, I wanted to ask if she was okay.
But she hates me so much...

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