Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Somebody like you.

I wish someone would pick me up and take me far away from here.
That camping trip doesn't look so good anymore.
And yes it does have a little to do with the fact that Jade's going.
But it's mostly because I won't know anyone except for you.

I just thought it would either just be me and you.
Or us and one other person, who I knew.
But now theres like five people going, and I don't know any of them.
Whatever, I'll go, just because you begged.

Wait, you begged.
Even Taylor said that was abnormal.
Why do you want me to go so badly?
I don't really understand you sometimes.
But other times, I know exactly what you're going to say.

So Kevin, if you're reading this, it means you aren't doing your paper. So go do your stupid paper.

My sister knows what weed looks like. She knows bad words. I don't really like this at all. I was hoping I could keep her sheltered for just a little longer. Like five more years...
Even though she and I get along really well now, its gonna suck when she starts going through puberty, I'll lash out at her still, she'll lash out at me. Maybe she won't start for a few more years...

It's really windy outside. Made it hard to go up hills on my bike. That and the fact that Mel messed with the gears, and now its all messed up. Well, at least it doesn't hurt anymore.

My birthday is in like three weeks.
I don't want it. Whenever my birthday comes around, everyone in my house pays more attention to me, and then they get angry with me. I don't want it. Not in the least.
Memories of birthdays past?
here it goes:
"I think I know what I want to do for my birthday."
"When is it anyways?"
It had already passed. Three days before.

"We're going to Shorty's"
"I wanted to go to Bugaboo Creek."
"You aren't coming, this is a date night for your mom and me."

"You have a loose tooth? Let me get that for you."
He punched me in the face.

Oh, and let's not forget the time when everyone completely forgot about it all together.
I didn't say anything about it, because well, who wants to remind their family that it's your birthday?

Whatever. This year for my birthday, all I really want to do, is go to tacobell with Tim and Taylor. That would make me happy.
Everyone keeps asking me what I want, I don't really want anything that you have to spend money on. You could draw me a picture, or burn me a CD. I find those much more thoughtful anyways.
But even just saying Happy Birthday would be enough.
Just don't do it over facebook, because that's lame.

Your birthday is before mine. And I'll try and go to your party.
I'll try really hard.

Your birthday is after mine, and I have no idea what to get you. None at all. I have no money, so I guess I'll just have to be extremely creative. Don't get me anything though. I really don't want you to. Even though months ago you said you had already bought something. I don't know why you would do that...

Message for today: All birthdays are is a way to celebrate making it through one more year in this crappy world.

Waging wars to shake the poet and the beat
I hope it's gonna make you notice
Someone like me.-use somebody by Kings of Leon

"I just need a place to go.
This world it too routine for me.
One day I'll find a new life.
Maybe then, I'll be satisfied.

Take me far away.
Far from here, and the ordinary days.
We'll find a way out of here.
And then we'll be completed.
together, united.
We'll start our own routine."

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