Friday, May 15, 2009

What day is it?

I don't have very much to say.
I don't really remember anything from my days anymore.
I guess thats okay, in a way.
But I kind of wish I could remember the good stuff, and only block out the bad.

I go home and I sleep all day again.
I need help.
Everything's spiraling downward, and I'm just standing by, watching the entire time.
Everything blends together, and I can't differentiate between the days.
You think I don't need your help anymore, but I do. I just don't know how to ask.
You know I'll always need you. And when I don't need you, I'll guarantee I'll still want you.
In my life that is.

And I suppose Andy was right in some way today.
I wasn't sad, I was just thinking about everything.
The past eight months again, and that does normally make me quiet, or faint.
I'm just glad I didn't faint in your car. I felt like I was going to.
But I somehow managed not to, until I got inside.

I remember that time you said good bye to me in my garage.
And Taylor was just outside in your car screaming.
It't times like those that make me laugh the hardest.
When we used to get along all the time. When we used to laugh together.
I really hope you call tonight.
I would call you, but I dunno. I pick up the phone and dial your number, but can never press talk.

I love when I say I'm going to bed and you argue with me about it for at least ten minutes.
That's when I know you still like talking to me.
I just don't know how to express the fact, that I still completely miss you.
And I still want you back.
I'm just waiting.
but more than anything, hoping.

I feel absolutely pathetic.
But it's like I told you before, there are some people you know you just aren't supposed to let leave your life.
And you, my dear, are and always will be, one of those people.

I thought today was like, Wednesday.
I'm losing it.
Won't you come help me again?

I'm having a horrible day.
In the middle of a breakdown.
I called you, to see if you'd come take me away for a little while.
But you picked up and then hung up.
I don't understand.
I kind of knew you wouldn't be able to anyways.
if you read this, and you can, will you please pick me up?
I could really use someone like you right now.

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